Surgery on 2/9
I sure hope you are in Lubbok getting ready for surgery tomorrow. Mine has been post-poned until 2/16. I have bronchitis and my white cell count is up. I am sooooooooo disappointed. I am not working this week as they want me to rest, I see the surgeon this Tuesdy and hopefully I wil be cleared for surgery next Monday.
Take care and e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know how you are doing.

Me too. 12:00 Woodbridge, VA. I am nervous too. I am sleeping but not till 4am. I know that this is what I want and need but still the thought of surgery is nerve racking. This is my first real surgery. And I have alot of people that are going to be at the hospital for support.
I wish you all the luck and will say prayers for you. We are going to be on the losing side real soon.
Best wishes on Friday. Post when you are able to post op and maybe we can share some experiences.
I finally slept last night without sleeping pills...........but the closer it gets who knows......................Friday is my last day at work. I want to be home getting things done.
I will be praying for you.
Good luck