I'm getting one!!!
I have as of today one week before my surgery and I'm coming down with a cold
!!!! I have not had a cold in over three years, Why now? I really hope this don't cause them to put my date off to later... I go later this afternoon to see my doctor for all the info before my surgery next week, I hope he can give me something to kinda speed things up with this cold I'm getting. Anyone had to put off there surgery because of a cold or flu? I really don't want to put this off at all If I don't have to, I did that about a year or so ago and I have regreted every since....

I've been fighting a cold also. I was suppose to have my surgery date on 2/5 but now I have to postpone it. The good news is that they can do it on 2/10. I'm so relieved that I don't have to wait a month or more! I hope that you feel better soon and that you won't have to post pone your day. Take care!