Surgery date set for 2/23/04
Ok it's almost time to have surgery and I have a bad case of the butterflies. I almost feel like I did the first time I kissed. I'm getting very excited, I'm running through every room in the house to make sure everything is clean and caught up before I go in. I've already gotten rid of my summer clothes. I try not to think about the bad things that could go wrong, and just think about how good I'll look in a year from now.
I want to wish everyone the best of luck in their WLS
Tracy / Florida

Hi Tracy,
Yes it is so exciting!!!! I am having surgery in the exact same day you are Feb 23rd! Yes just think about the good that will come out of it. We will be able to buy different clothes and new things. I have very bad knees from being a athlete and just standing is horrific. I will be able to do more things with my kids. Do you have any children? I am counting the days too and getting nervouser. People tell me to relax and have faith in the Surgen and know you are in good hands!!! Think positive and it will happen. It would be nice if we could keep in touch after our surgery to be there for eachother.
Best of Luck and Think Positive- Please e mail me if you want to. Your fellow same day surgery pal-Jill