Feb,18,2004 is my date after 22 months of fighting!!!!!!
hello all,
just me STacy Beck here wanting to just jump up and down((but that just might hurt))I finally have a surgery date of FEB,18,2004.After fighting Ins company for over 22 months it is fianlly here my date ...If there is anyone that has the same date and would like to chat write me at :[email protected]
Happy losing to all and have a great week.
stacy beck

Cool I have anouther birthday friend. My surgery will take place in Peoria ,Illinois I am getting a little nervous now. i had to go back for anouther phyic eval because it had been a long time since i had so i did and everything is a go. hope we can chat some time here is my email [email protected] plus my screen name on both yahoo and aol : myhumingbird. chat soon . wish you the best and fast recoverey.stacy beck
Oh cool I have a new birhtday friend..(as my sons say it is my new bday) I wish you the bet in your journey to a better and healthier life. It would be cool to keep in touch. Here is my email address [email protected] . plus I am on AOL and YAHOO messagers. my screen name is : myhumingbird
on both.and hope to hear from you soon.
stacy beck