I've included the link for the Nationwide Event...."Walk from Obesity". Here's the funny thing.....
.....there is also an event in Winston-Salem that day as well....BUT, the event organizers are Dr. Kellam and Dr. Goco! I know Myra, not your favorite people! HA!
So unless anyone has issues with the drive to Hickory early that morning, I think we should still do the Hickory walk. Besides, thanks to Lisa and Ashley, we would have never known about it in the first place!
There is a link on the site for a registration form and information about the different locations! If someone is having difficulty printing out the information, let me know and I can mail you one through Snail Mail!
I think this would be an exciting fun thing to do! September in Hickory, I can't imagine it being really HOT! And it's early morning, so it'll be quite refreshing! (8am-11am) We could always get some carpooling going on if necessary!
So take a look at the site, spread the word and lets get a BIG GROUP together and walk!
Lisa Engelkins
lap rny 5/25/04
- 51 pounds

Hey Lisa,
My understanding is that Dr. Kellam's office and Dr. Fuzz's groups were going to join together
for the event in Winston. Just thought I'd pass that along. Doesn't really matter where we start, as long as we walk from where we've been!
I'm disappointed
I missed last night. I was feeling absolutely exhausted - ya know, more than just regular "tired". Plan to make the next one though.
Keep dry this weekend.