Hey All
1) Did you ever drink protein shakes? During my 2 month liquid phase and also as a pre-op.
2) If so, do you still drink them? Occassionally. However I do eat a protein bar each day instead.
3) Have you lost, gained or maintained in the last 6 months? (You don't have to state any amounts gained or lost) Maintained. Go up and down 4 lbs.
4) Do you get regular exercise? Absolutely ... swimming, walking, Curves
5) Do you get hungry now? YES !!!!!
6) Do you still think as a recipient of weight loss surgery? Not sure what you mean by the question ... WLS is still on my mind a lot and my tummy sure can remind me too if I eat too much or too fast. My niece just had the surgery too, so I spend a lot of time on the phone with her discussing how she is feeling etc. So WLS is still a prominent focus in my life that way. Don't participate in any local support groups here tho, never quite made the connection with them like I had in CA.
WHat a fun idea
1) Did you ever drink protein shakes?
*No I hate them with a passion, its like drinking liquid chalk!
2) If so, do you still drink them?
*Nope, try my best to aviod them
3) Have you lost, gained or maintained in the last 6 months?
*Still losing, actually I wi**** would stop.
4) Do you get regular exercise? not like I should, but fairly regularly
*Nope, my doctors make me promise to, but I dont have the motovation, and Im scared that I will lose more if I do..
5) Do you get hungry now?
*Yes, all the time, but I make healthier choices these days.
6) Do you still think as a recipient of weight loss surgery?
*Yes every day. I think that is what helps me stay on track, by remembering where I have been to get where I am today.

1) Did you ever drink protein shakes?
2) If so, do you still drink them?
3) Have you lost, gained or maintained in the last 6 months? (You don't have to state any amounts gained or lost)
4) Do you get regular exercise?
5) Do you get hungry now?
6) Do you still think as a recipient of weight loss surgery?
1) Drank protein shakes for a year after surgery, and then found out that as a diabetic I did not need to intake large amounts of protein.
3) I have gained 30 pounds due to medication changes
4) I take cardio kick boxing 3x a week
5) I am always hungry in the mornings
6) yes, still thinking as a wls recipient
Haven't checked in with this board in a long time - - in OH a lot, but mostly on the Plastic Surgery Board. Had a tummy tuck and inner and outer thigh lift on 3/22/06 and am recovering from that, though much slower than I would like (had lap gastric bypass, so this is definitely a longer physical healing process!)
Anyway, here we go:
1) Did you ever drink protein shakes? Yes - - every day for the first year or so after surgery.
2) If so, do you still drink them? A few now and then, but I do have a protein bar (low carb, of course!) almost every day (usually as my breakfast).
3) Have you lost, gained or maintained in the last 6 months? (You don't have to state any amounts gained or lost). I lost about 7 pounds in the six months just prior to plastic surgery, then about another 10 since then (plastic surgeron took off about 9 pounds of skin - - just now getting rid of fluids from that!),
4) Do you get regular exercise? Was walking regularly before PS, not too much right now, but will get back to it pretty soon.
5) Do you get hungry now? Oh, yeah!! Really have to watch myself and try and make healthier choices. The dog gets the leftovers from my plate - - gonna have to put her on a diet soon!
6) Do you still think as a recipient of weight loss surgery? Yes - - and I'm okay with that. I have two sisters who have also had WLS (one in 3/04, the other 3/05), and we talk a lot about it. Also, I think it helps keep me in line. I do not, however, broadcast the fact that I had WLS, but will tell others about it if they ask how I lost so much weight. I usually say I had WLS and it was the hardest thing I ever went through, but I would do it again in a minute - - I don't want to leave people with the impression that just because I had WLS, it was easy to lose the weight. We all know that could not be further from the truth! Having said that though, I feel pretty "normal" most of the time, though I still look in the mirror and don't recognize the person staring back at me!
Just have to share this one last piece with everyone. Got on the scale this AM and now weigh less than what I've lost! Started at 292 day of WLS, now weigh 143, for a total loss of 149 pounds (including PS, of course!).
Take care all!