:0) Hey everybody!
Barbara, hope you don't mind me sending out a reminder about tonight's dinner meeting funtion thing-ma-jig in Statesville tonight.
Statesville Golden Corral
Anybody who is pre-op or post-op just come on down. We'll have people from everywhere from Greensboro to California (okay California might be a little exaggerated), but you get the picture!
I believe Barbara Huffman said it was Exit 151 in Statesville then take a left or something. You can't miss it. You'll probably see roadsigns on the highway!
We get the big room to ourselves in the back area. I'm bringing name tags and a sign in sheet so we can keep up with everyone and see how many people come!
Don't let Charley keep you away! Besides, the further west we go, the safer!
Can't wait to meet and greet everyone! AND MY MOM IS COMING! She was trying to talk herself out of coming, but I'm making her come! And Sierra, my 11 year old is coming too, so feel free to big you kids if you have to. I totally understand when it's impossible to get a babysitter!
See ya'll tonight!
Lisa Engelkins
lap rny 5/25/04
-51 pounds

Lisa and Everyone,
I was just getting ready to post that I will not be able to make the dinner tonight. I hope everyone has a wonderful time. I know ya'll will. I am having a pretty crummy day and honestly do not feel like doing anything! Ya'll eat something good for me! And Everyone drive safely!! Lisa, thanks for the email. I am trying so hard to eat and drink. I have only had about 5 oz. of fluid today. The thought of anything being in my mouth makes me wanna puke!! Take care.
GREAT Going!!!!!!! You are doing good.
Isn't it amazing how different we feel when we eat right. I know with carbs I retain more fluids than if I do high protein.
The check has helped me too. I'm back to doing my vitamins each day and exercising too. Today we went to the zoo and spent over 2 hours walking and walking and walking. Had a wonderful time.