Too much weight loss??
just a question, does anyone else have the problem that the weight loss wont stop, that they are turned off by all foods and no longer have the desire to eat at all.. I am beginning to worry about myself, I am still loseing about a lb a week and am thinkking that I am getting too thin..I dont mean to brag or anything its just that im worried..
I have NO desire to eat, I work all day and dont eat, the thought of food make me nausous and eating is just a major turn off to me. People are telling me that im getting too thin and I dont know what to do..
anyone have any advice for me? I just dont know what to do anymore..
I went through a balemic phase as a kid and am worried that im heading down that path again..
I started this journey at 304lbs, my goal was 150lbs, im now about 130lbs and I know I have at least 15-20 lbs of excess skin hanging off me.. (Sorry TMI)
What shoud I do???
any advice would be greatly appriciated..
Thanks guys.
For some excessive weight loss can be a major concern after surgery. You have to eat to stop the loss. I know that at the support group they were recommending adding in carbs until the loss stopped along with doing the required protein.
I'm concerned that food is a major turn off for you. Can you handle protein shakes or protein bars? They would get the protein you need to remain healthy, plus give you some much needed calories. Remember you need an absolute minimum of 60 grams of protein to maintain normal muscle mass AND that your heart is a muscle. You need that protein.
Couple of suggestions:
1. Try to increase your food intake. You have to eat 3 mini meals a day (whether with food or protein shakes/bars).
2. You really should make an appointment to see your surgeon or PCP. There could be something physical attributing to the loss of appetite.
3. You might want to contact a professional who deals with eating disorders if you are concerned about either anorexia or bulemnia. I had a friend who became anorexic after surgery. With not eating, she was finally in control of her life (or so she thought). She was able to turn it around.
I think we have spent so many years miserable with being over weight and the negative results of that, that once we have lost the weight we don't want it to come back on. So I can see where the subconcious could kick in and take over, making food unappealing and not wanted.
I hope you find answers quickly. I do understand your concern. Please make an appt to see a doctor soon. There has to be some answers/solutions for you.
Mary, thanks for your words of support and ideas to get things back on track and you are right I should go and see someone about this..
I never thought about it being a controll thing and I can see that in my midset these days, I think its time I saw someone before this becomes a real problem..
Thanks, I know I can always rely on you for some positive words.
You are the best!
Love, Lee
I can't add anything to Mary's great and thorough advice. It does sound to me like this is probably not a physical problem, but it would be a good idea to get with your surgeon or doctor to make sure. I'm sure you are just so scared you might put some of your weight back on and this is your way of making sure you don't. Your profile says you take medication for depression... maybe you could check with your doctor that prescribes that medication. It might possibly have something to do with you not having an appitite. Just a thought....
Wishing you the best!!!
Finally, I found someone who is willing to say that they are having a problem with maintaining weight. I am having this problem too. I have been going to doctors trying to get some help. I have an appointment with the dietician today.... but I know the response will be to eat more. That's eaiser said than done. I have some other appointments with doctors next week.
I did get a response from someone on the board, they suggested an IV nutriental drip. I am going to talk to my doctor about it.
Please let's stay in contact, and exchange some ideas, maybe we can get some answers together about our concern.
Hope to hear from you
I must say that it is really reassuring to hear that I am ot the only one with this problem. I have lost another 5lbs since I wrote this a little over 3 weeks ago which sounds like nothing in the big scheme of things but when every other person I meet starts telling me that I am getting too thin it gets very frusterating and a little depressing. I dont know about the IV thing as I have never heard of that but would be interested to hear more. This entire journey since before surgery has been a huge learning curve.
I would love to hear about how your doctors appointment went.
Just wanted to let you know how things went when I went to the doctor. Well nothing, I got the same response. I am starting to think that there are a lot of people out there with this problem of losing too much weight. The doctors seems to think it's not an issue or at least one the're not intersted in helping you with. There's no money in it for them. So, I'm still looking for some help, but I know that this something I will need medical attention for. I'm still looking? Did you see your doc about it? what happened?