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Tracey C.
on 4/30/04 2:31 am - Merrimack, NH
Topic: Anyone at a plateau for their weightloss?
I had the surgery back on 2/14/2002. I lost a ton of weight right in the first year. Total now has been 172 pounds. I have been at a stand still now for approx 5 months. Im not nearly near my goal, I now weight 252 pounds. Does anyone else hit plateaus for such a long time? I dont 'dump' so I can have sweets now and again, but how do I get over this plateau? Any suggestions would help! Thank you.
Connie M.
on 4/18/04 10:55 am - Topeka, KS
Topic: Feb 26,2002 RNY
Here it is more than 2 years later and 128 pounds lost. I went from size 22 to Size 4. This Friday I am having plastic surgery ( abdominoplasty and breast lifts) I have no regrets.
Debbie W.
on 4/7/04 10:19 am - Irving, Tx
Topic: Hard to believe
Well 2 yrs has gone by and I can't believe that I have lost 246lbs. I am now in the process of having PS waiting to see if Insurance will cover the cost. I no longer have Cigna (god bless them for paying 100% of my GB surgery) my husbands company chng carriers. I have Aetna now so if any of you have delt with them please let me know....
Donna V.
on 3/27/04 2:49 am - Jacksonville, Fl
Topic: Two Wonderful years
It has been two years and one month and I wish I had done the surgery sooner. It has made such a wonderful change in my life, I am not the same person I was before surgery, and I don't mean just the weight. I now have the energy to work, play and enjoy my life without the fatigue I used to have. I am able to enjoy my grandchildren without the worry of not keeping up with their pace. I encourage anyone thinking of having the surgery to go ahead deal with the insurance and your fears you will be so happy you did.
Shrinking S.
on 3/16/04 9:58 pm - South coast, MA
Topic: RE: Almost 2 years
I am no where near the two year mark - actually only 6 weeks out. Had RNY on Feb 02,2004. Feeling fantastic. No dumping and eating very well. You guys are such an inspiration. Your upbeat attitude and no nonsense advice is what brings me back to this site. In Sep '03 I was referred for WLS. I had max'd at 360 lbs. Somehow I made the determination to not only throughly research this surgery, but I also quit smoking....that day. Haven't had one cig since. I actually lost weight dropping to 328 by my surgery date. I am currently at 280 and looking to get to the 215 - 210 range as my initial goal. You guys are great!!!!!!!
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:45 pm - Garland, TX
Topic: RE: hi
Your still alive, maybe you can email one of the help people and get back in. Allen
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:44 pm - Garland, TX
Topic: RE: 17 months out and feeling great!
You can continue to loose weight if you really realy want to. But it will be more like a normal person who neer had wls trying to loose weight... DOn't let that make you affraid to try. Normal people loose weight if they want to. And now that you are years out from your surgery you should know how to live, eat and exercise like a normal person. Because for all intents and purposes you ARE normal now!!! COngrats on the new you... Allen
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:41 pm - Garland, TX
Topic: RE: 18 months out and loving it...
If your anything like me you find yourself trying if not doing things you would have never dreamed of doing when you were morbidly obese... COngrats... Allen
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:39 pm - Garland, TX
Topic: RE: 2 YEAR MARK
Congrats on all you have achieved. Hope you can get the tummy tuck too when the time is right. Allen
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:38 pm - Garland, TX
Topic: RE: Almost 2 years out now...
I belong to TOPS, it's like weigh****chers but much less expensive. They give you little trinkets when you loose weight. If you join thier program and get seriuos about it then you just might find yourself inching closer to your goal... But don't pin your goal on a certain weight or a certain size. Rather base it on how you feel and how you are appcepted by the world now. Some of your weight is no dobt hanging skin. YOu will not be able to get rid of it with out some plastic surgery. Allen
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