Two years ago

Sharon W.
on 2/18/04 11:31 pm - Alexander City, AL
I can't believe it has been two years. I feel so good these days. I can go to the closet and pick out anything I want to wear and not end up in tears because I look stupid in it. I can stand in a group of people without feeling like everyone is inwardly thinking what a whale, why doesn't she do something about that weight? I can sit down and eat in a public place without feeling eyes on me scanning what I have in front of me thinking, well I can see why she looks like she looks. I actually feel normal and can relate to normal sized people. It feels good to be part of the average size world. I am so thankful that I had this surgery and that I have had no complications. When I sit down and am able to cross my legs I am thankful, when I go up a flight of stairs I'm thankful, when I snap a seatbelt I'm thankful, when I bend over to tie my shoes or cut my toenails I'm thankful. It's all the little things that happen each and every day that make it all worth while. Thank you God for giving me this blessing.
Allen Y.
on 3/15/04 9:32 pm - Garland, TX
Congrats on your hard won success...
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