Need a second chance.
Hi my name is Cheryl, I just read your Plea...well, I have heard of second chances, and I don't know why it didn't work for you, but this is a life changing event and if you don't follow the plan then the surgery will not work, I know there are very few cases that have failed due to problems ,but not many...It is a very simple thing to follow through with this if you want to live...I was 310, and i am now 130 after almost 9 years I can truly say I am never going back...I hope you can find a way to get on the road to recovery.... Peace to you..C
P>S> yes it has been done...
You most likely stretched out the stoma on the exit side of your smaller eating all the wrong foods, portion sizes, and drinking sodas or high sugary drinks. There are surgeries but they have HIGH FAILURE RATES so you need to go back to eating the tiny portions you did right after surgery, only drink WATER...wait 2 hours after eating to drink, and get up and into a cardio exercise class 5 x week. It IS that simple.

The most powerful force I have, is what I say to myself and believe.
The most powerful force I have, is what I say to myself and believe.