Temp PANIC!!!
I have been waiting and working toward this surgery for the last 6 months... I was approved in October and then changed doctors so I had to get approved again. That came through early December. Surgery is scheduled 1/26/10. Today I received a call from Dr. Office that the procedure is on the list of excluded for coverage for this year. That was a huge surprise.
After an hour and calls to and from my HR. I found out that it indeed should not be excluded but will take a few days to update the system since Monday is a holiday.
During that hour, my heart was going to explode... All of my dreams of a normal life were in jepardy..
I wasn't sure If I would throw up, scream, or explode..
I won't breath easy until dr. office has it reconfirmed, but I feel better after HR said they talked to the insurance rep for our plan and will get that fixed.
Sorry, I had to vent... I will be okay when the adrenaline wears off... I now have to go bowl... but I'll be back.. Thanks for listening.
After an hour and calls to and from my HR. I found out that it indeed should not be excluded but will take a few days to update the system since Monday is a holiday.
During that hour, my heart was going to explode... All of my dreams of a normal life were in jepardy..
I wasn't sure If I would throw up, scream, or explode..
I won't breath easy until dr. office has it reconfirmed, but I feel better after HR said they talked to the insurance rep for our plan and will get that fixed.
Sorry, I had to vent... I will be okay when the adrenaline wears off... I now have to go bowl... but I'll be back.. Thanks for listening.
That is just what I needed to hear. It hurt so hard at first since the idea of the surgery coming true seemed like a dream... and unfortunately too many dreams have been smashed in my life.
I'm not sure I will fully believe it is real until it is done.
I want this so bad... I want to be sucessful... I just want to be NORMAL... not skinny, not perfect... just normal. This weight has made my life lonely and I am tired of that... I want to LIVE!
I am keeping up my plans to clean up apt and take down christmas village so that when I get back from hosptial I can sit and enjoy the apt and not worry about all the stuff I see that needs to be done.
Please Breathe also... We will make it to this great new birthday we will have!!
Thanks again.
That is just what I needed to hear. It hurt so hard at first since the idea of the surgery coming true seemed like a dream... and unfortunately too many dreams have been smashed in my life.
I'm not sure I will fully believe it is real until it is done.
I want this so bad... I want to be sucessful... I just want to be NORMAL... not skinny, not perfect... just normal. This weight has made my life lonely and I am tired of that... I want to LIVE!
I am keeping up my plans to clean up apt and take down christmas village so that when I get back from hosptial I can sit and enjoy the apt and not worry about all the stuff I see that needs to be done.
Please Breathe also... We will make it to this great new birthday we will have!!
Thanks again.