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My life is like McDonalds....I'm Lovin It
I have the same date as you also!! Yay!
Hey, are you a Red Sox's fan? I'm from Portsmouth, NH, but DH is in the Navy so we are stuck in GA for a while!
Time to move on and try my hardest not to do this again. My surgery date is still over 2 weeks away, I hope I can stay on the liquid diet until then.
On the bright side, DH, the boys and I went to St Augustine and walked for a couple hours, I had to stroll my to youngest sons, so hopefully that helped burn off some of the calories! I also checked for ketones this morning and they were still very high!
Holly cow Girl!!
What are you going to do with yourself when you have to sit still after surgery?? LOL
Well now I feel like i better get my butt in gear...LOL
Please keep in touch with me.
Ha Ha Amanda,
The sad part is I do work as well, outside of the house. I manage to carry a full time job Monday thru Friday 830-530!!! I still have all this energy... I just want to get th is stuff done.... I think it helps if you stay busy.
I can't wait!!!!! January 19th can not come fast enough.. lol
I hope to be a better example for my kids
I hope to lose 100 lbs
I hope I can some day be proud of my body
I can't wait to go to disney and walk the 10-15 miles a day without feeling like I got hit by a truck!
I can't wait to ride all of the rides without worrying about my fat butt fitting into the seat.
So good to know we have friends on the other side waiting for us, cheering for us and keeping us in prayers.
Us JAN folk will have to do the same for the FEB board when it gets close to their time!!
Second...i am also the 19Th.
Third....OMG WOMAN!!
I was that way when my kids were little and b4 i had a full time job outside of the house. ( use to be a full time stay at home mom...that's the hardest job there never get to clock out or take a vacation!!!) kids are old enough to do most of the stuff around here
(age 11 and almost 13) and i work nights...I'M FREAKING TIRED & DEPRESSED ALL OF THE TIME!!!
I HOPE that when i start my liquid diet on MONDAY...that i will do stuff like that to keep busy and not dwell on the fact that i am HUNGARY. I am a GREAT list i have a LONG list of stuff i WANT to do b4 my surgery. Laundry is one of them...taking down all the Christmas crap...well that should of already been done...LOL...but its not so that has to be done. I want to organize my bedroom and put a bunch of stuff in my daughters closet ....she has the biggest closet and for some reason...always has her clothes on the dang floor!!!! Go figure!!!
Any-who...I am supper excited to have anotehr JAN 19Th gal on here!!
Bottle up some of that egery and sell it...LOL Sounds almost like that nesting instinct that you get right b4 you have a baby...LOL. WLS is kinda like having a new baby...your starting a new having a new birthday!! I must sound insane...i gotta go to bed...LOL
POST OFTEN....and add me to your friends list!!!!!
WHOOOOOOO_HOOOOOOO...we are almost there!!
17 more dayssssssssss!!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
OK, I am going in for surgery January 19Th.... Wooo Hoooo I am SOO excited if you all can not already tell. But, I have a question... The past couple of days, I have had this ridiculous amount of energy... getting ready for surgery. I have managed to...
1. paint my bathroom.
2. re arrange my living room
3. reorganize my kitchen (food) cabinets
4. reorganize my cabinets with all my dishes in them
5. Get rid of any lingering laundry in the basement
6. Go out and buy 3 pairs of new pajamas and slippers
7. Go out and buy a timer, thanks to someones suggestion and 3 oz disposable cups.
8. Went out and bought Birthday, baby and anniversary cards for all those people who will celebrate while I am recovering.
9. And even went out and bought my sons Valentines and Valentines candy for school!!!
As if that is not enough, there are other things too.
I was just wondering, Has anyone else gotten like this? I know I am a prepared person, but my goodness! I am just so excited I think I can't stand it!
When I feel down in the dumps I come on this website and read through things. I look at before and after pictures and some make me cry but for all of this I am so appreciative. To all of you out there post op, your amazing!!!!!
Take care everyone!!! Happy New Year
XOXOXOX Charlotte