Karen C is out of surgery AND TEXTING!
Karen C.---> i48.photobucket.com/albums/f238/thatgirlfromflorida/808499.j pg is out of surgery! She had it at 7:45am this morning-she just texted me and said she didn't really have any pain just nausea! Hooray! So thankful! :)
I'm happy for you Karen C. #1. that you got to have your surgery today. No pain wow. I wish I could say that some day. I'm Karen C. from Indiana. My surgery was more or less canceled for today. They called it postponed. It is because of my fibromyalgia (FM) for which chronic pain is one of the main issues. They didn't let me know until last Friday. This is the 3rd hospital I've tried. I'm out a couple a grand. Out of money and out of insurance the end of January. However, i am not giving up. I will become a moe active member of the National Fibromyalgia Organization as a paient advocate. Specializing in obsese patients who now have to fight for bariatric surgery. Sorry for my rampage... I am still angry from this hospital scheduling all the expensive testing and classes that had me travel an hour and a half each way when they new they weren't going to let me have the surgery. It is a scam.
The is your day and I do wish you all the best. My time will come in God's time. I must be more patient.
Take care and God bless Karen C. *1
The is your day and I do wish you all the best. My time will come in God's time. I must be more patient.
Take care and God bless Karen C. *1