Cold feet? Jitters .... surgery the 26th. (long)
Good Morning,
I am having a rny on the 27th. I too am going thru this exact thing! And I am on day 3 of my ptifast/liquid diet. I think the fact that our best friend(food) has made a quick exit our brains are doing double time..What if...We will be ok and we will be much healthier in the future...My mom passed away at 53years of age...diabetes, high blood pressure, over weight, depression, oh I sure there are more...our job is to make sure we are here for our children and we have made a decision to be here.....GOOD LUCK! I will be thinking about you are you head into this amazing soon..Laura
I am having a rny on the 27th. I too am going thru this exact thing! And I am on day 3 of my ptifast/liquid diet. I think the fact that our best friend(food) has made a quick exit our brains are doing double time..What if...We will be ok and we will be much healthier in the future...My mom passed away at 53years of age...diabetes, high blood pressure, over weight, depression, oh I sure there are more...our job is to make sure we are here for our children and we have made a decision to be here.....GOOD LUCK! I will be thinking about you are you head into this amazing soon..Laura
All of your thoughts and feelings are normal. You sound like you are doing your part for the prep. of your body, your going to be in great hands, they will look after you till you feel better. You'll be in my thoughts. It gets better each day post-op, take one day at a time and allow your body to heal!! jann
My day is the 27th. I am required a two week liquid diet. The first 4 days sucked. It gets better after that. On day 12. Can't say I'm not excited to end this part of the preparation! Though I have lost 11 lbs in 12 days..... but still!!
Good luck to you on your upcoming surgery!
My day is the 27th. I am required a two week liquid diet. The first 4 days sucked. It gets better after that. On day 12. Can't say I'm not excited to end this part of the preparation! Though I have lost 11 lbs in 12 days..... but still!!
Good luck to you on your upcoming surgery!
Smiling Suzie

Karen -
My surgery is tomorrow, too and I'm a little freaked out and having some of the same thoughts as you are. I have looked forward to this for SO long and it's finally here and I'm not quite sure how to feel. I'm anxious but still very excited because I know this is the right path for me. I have a 3yr old I want to run around with and enjoy her for MANY, MANY years and if I keep this weight on my story may not end so happily. I think your feelings and fears are completely normal for someone who is about to turn their life upside down. Recovering from surgery isn't going to be easy but the last two people I talked to who had RNY in January are up and about less than a week later and feeling great so the odds are on your side. You said you are healthy which makes you less of a risk. Try to think of it as a chance to start some new habits and set good examples for your kiddos, have faith that your surgeon will get you through surgery safe and sound and that we'll all be here waiting for you on the other side to offer you all the love and support you may need. You can do this!
Keep your chin up...I know you're feeling a little crazy right now but once the dust settles you'll get back into the swing of things and I think your life will be better than you ever could have imagined.
My surgery is tomorrow, too and I'm a little freaked out and having some of the same thoughts as you are. I have looked forward to this for SO long and it's finally here and I'm not quite sure how to feel. I'm anxious but still very excited because I know this is the right path for me. I have a 3yr old I want to run around with and enjoy her for MANY, MANY years and if I keep this weight on my story may not end so happily. I think your feelings and fears are completely normal for someone who is about to turn their life upside down. Recovering from surgery isn't going to be easy but the last two people I talked to who had RNY in January are up and about less than a week later and feeling great so the odds are on your side. You said you are healthy which makes you less of a risk. Try to think of it as a chance to start some new habits and set good examples for your kiddos, have faith that your surgeon will get you through surgery safe and sound and that we'll all be here waiting for you on the other side to offer you all the love and support you may need. You can do this!
Keep your chin up...I know you're feeling a little crazy right now but once the dust settles you'll get back into the swing of things and I think your life will be better than you ever could have imagined.