Cold feet? Jitters .... surgery the 26th. (long)
Well, I was thinking this liquid diet will be so easy, I don't know what everyone is whining about (and I only have to do it for a WEEK!). Well, I was wrong .... day 1 was okay, day 2 was horrid, and today is better than yesterday. BUT I find myself thinking "what am I about to do to myself?" "did I really exhaust all other options?" "I am healthy (now) ... don't fix something that isn't broken." .... they just keep coming. Don't get me wrong ... I want this surgery so bad, but why am I thinking these things??? Why am I questioning my decision NOW ... why not 3 month or even 1 month ago?!?!
I am so scared of the "unknown" ... will I be one with lots of complications? Will I not lose any weight and fail? .... I have 3 children (8, 6 & 1) and I find myself thinking about them and if I have complications and am in and out of the hospital, they deserve me there every day to help, love and nurture them. I just don't know ... I have so many things running through my head ... they just came on all of a sudden BRAIN OVERLOAD! I don't want to end up like my father who had a stroke at age 46 (has high BP, cholesterol, diabetes), my whole family has high BP and is overweight. I just want to set a good example for my kids but can not do it without help (from my tool). I WANT THIS, but why these thoughts NOW? Did any of you ever have any thoughts close to this???
Thanks for listening to my rant/vent ... I just needed to let it out.
I've read stories about people who have had terrible complications post-op, but the majority of all of them said that they would still have the surgery all over again. That says a lot to me.
If you ever want to talk or vent, let me know! Sharing the same date, I'm sure we'll have a lot of stuff to discuss in the coming months
Take care! Only 5 days to go!!

I think it is totally normally to question the unknown, it reinforces the fact that we're all human. I had my RNY on 1/8/09 and had no complications, and no intolerances to the thicker liquid diet I have been on since I got home. I am SO happy to have lost 30 lbs since my initial surgical visit and I am off 3 out of 4 diabetes medications and off the blood pressure meds. I am older than you guys but only wish I had this surgery before I had gotten diabetes and high blood pressure. This was a life saving surgery, no doubt about it.
I had my visit with my surgeon today and he congratulated me for how well I've done thus far and he reminded me that this surgery and the weight loos reduces my risk for cancer and stroke by 70% not to mention all the other stuff already mentioned.
I will add you to my prayer list and please know that you will be just fine. You are well prepared and you have a top notch surgeon that knows what to do. All of you are going to do great.
Big warm hugs
I had the same worries as you. I was worried about my kids more than anything. I think your thoughts are totally normal! I'm sure you will do fine!