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Topic: RE: Got my date !
Good Luck to you, you are on your way, it is the best thing you will ever have done for yourself!!!! who is doing your surgery?
Topic: RE: Dr. M. Paya
Hi Tina,
Sorry to hear you've had a problem. I don't know him, but I was curious to know what happened. I will be have the wls in a couple of months and I'd like to know what could go wrong.
Topic: 2yr out, and being denied insurance coverage due to WLS (self employed) Anyone?:-S
Hi all,
I have needed to get on here for a LONG time. I need the support. I had a baby in June and the whole pregnancy was AWESOME being -120 lbs. But I have 20 to lose now, and feeling frustrated. BUT the BIGGER issue! Is anyone here Self-Insured, my husband has his own business. Last week when we applied for family insurance coverage with Assurant, the denied me based on my WLS! I am shocked, I have never had one problem, and my heath is awesome. And I am going to have my three year anaversary in June. Does anyone know of any insurance co. in MN that will cover someone on a private, self insured plan if you have had WLS. I can't believe this?
Thanks SOOOOOO Much!
Topic: RE: my first day home from surgery
I know what you mean about sore! I had surgery on Monday and last night was rough from what felt like my ribs having been kicked in... tomorrow is a new day~!
Rest, drink and try to walk. Also take it easy.
Topic: my first day home from surgery
Well I am home and off to a good start. I had the rny on Tuesday and I feel ok just real sore. Looking forward to some good results.Caron
Topic: RE: Muscle Milk
I love Muscle Milk! A little high in fat for me, so it's my special treat! All fat seems to stick to my hips! LOL I like it cold, and frozen and if you're a coffee's wonderful instead of creamer ( you get protein too) to create a cappacino effect. They also make pudding that is my favorite dessert. Enjoy!!!
Laura "Lori" Mallett
RNY - 5/6/02
Topic: Dover Surgeons around...
I have looked for some time, and have not found anyone who will do the surgery in Portsmouth, with my insurance. I have Medicaid. Any suggestions?
Topic: RE: :-p Surgery date is the 22nd with Dr. Marvin in Houston
Congrats on your date!!!
im the 22nd also her in KY!
best of luck to you!!
Topic: RE: How long did it take form the first visit to surgery.
Kelly meant to say July of 2007 not 2006.