Weight Loss Stats thus Far? And your favorite food right now!
I'm just wondering where everyone is at on the weight loss front. I am a week shy of my 3 month surgiversary and am down 57lbs as of today. How is everyone else doing so far? I'm stuck in a stall right now (rolls eyes) but I'm trying to truck through it. Haven't had any food problems yet.
Oh, and right now my favorite thing to eat is sliced strawberries tossed in Splenda and then poured over cottage cheese. Oooh, YUM!

hi! I am about two weeks shy of 3 months and I am down 61lbs. BUT..I too appear to have hit a stall. I felt like stomping my feet today when I looked at the scale. I mean, what else can I do? I eat below 800 cals, I work out every day, and I am stalling???? But...I know its common, I know it happens, so I am not gonna freak out...I really am not. I am just gonna keep on truckin and hope that more weight loss is to come...cuz i have a lonnnnngg way to go!
I just had my 3 month surgiversary and I am down 70 pounds. I am in a stall right now and I have noticed it started when I first got sick. Once I was able to eat I dropped almost 10 pounds and now I am stalled again since I am sick once again.
My fav thing to eat is anything that goes down. LOL Right now I am craving fresh fruits and those go down good for me. ***mutters stupid esophgeal web***
I seem to be stuck too!!! My surgery was 1/21/08, if I count my weight before I started my pre-op diet, I'm down 72lbs, but if I count from my surgery date, I'm down 51lbs! It's getting frustrating now after the weight just fell off up to now!!! As far as a favorite food....I'm the Stricture girl, so anything I can keep down is GREAT!!! By the way, I'm doing very well after the last procedure, no throwing up.....keeping my fingers crossed that this is it!!!

Hello all ~ my RNY was on 1/22/08 my 3 month anniversary is on Tuesday I am down 54 lbs today. I too was stuck without losing for 3 weeks and just starting losing again the last few days. Good news I was able to fit into a pair of size 14 jeans this week, for the first time in bout 12 years. Yeah!
My favorites are Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry only 5 cals, sugar free fruit popsicles, fresh fruit. I will try the fresh strawberries with cottage cheese that does sound yummy! I also like shrimp too! So far I haven't had any problems with seafood.
My surgery was Jan. 10th, and I'm down 59 pounds.
I think stalling is normal. I got out of a stall about two weeks ago, and I think I hit the wall again. Time to up the cardio! -laughs-
My fdavourite food = Campbells Chicken Noodle soup.
Sans the Chicken. It's so gross I have to pick it out. -laughs-