questions about burping

on 1/22/08 8:22 am
I sent a similar question a few weeks ago, but never was able to see my post or any responses from it. Am I doing everything right? I am 3 weeks post op RNY and still having a tremendous problem with burping. I burp so much i can hardly eat or drink at times. Any suggestions? I have spoken with the nurse associated with the surgical practice. Tonight I tried Bean-o. Can't tell if it helps yet. I need some support. This whole thing is very difficult. Carla Stearns revcarla
on 1/22/08 1:23 pm - Marlborough, MA
We were told in our long pre-op session, and it is in the informational notebook that we should purchase Gas X. I could have used it a few times when I thought my pouch was just saying full. I forgot I had it on Monday when I used Tabasco sauce on the scrambled eggs I was served. It was the only part of the meal I could eat. I generally could tolerate spicy before the surgery.
on 1/23/08 12:08 am
Linda, Thanks for taking the time to write. As I said, I tried Bean-o yesterday, and I believe it helped. I took some this morning before my egg. I can't eat a whole egg because I feel so full. How far into your post-op are you?
on 1/23/08 1:59 am - Marlborough, MA
Hello, Carla: This morning, I tried heating up egg beaters in the microwave as a friend had suggested by spraying the cup with Pam. I do not know the exact time to cook it so I kept taking out the solid part and putting the setting to a few seconds at a time. I found the egg filled me up. I had cooked 3 ounces liquid yet it swelled up so much. I could only eat about 6 bites. I still had to bite even with scrambled eggs, and make sure it went down tiny. I had to burp after that last bite. I put another bite in and thought NO, so I did not swallow that bite. I have beano and took that before the operation because I had been taking the alli pills with my lunch and supper since 8 '07. I also had been taking Prilosec for more than a year in the morning. I think that all the fiber I tried to get in with the Fibersure caused me to be gassy! I think it is expected that we are going to be more gassy than pre-srugery. I for one do not like that prospect at all. I had takenone Benefiber chewables once a da for a couple of days as I seemed too gassy and wanted production not flare! Let me know how you are doing. I live in Marlborough MA and am home alone while my husband is off working. I had been busy all morning, cleaning and preparing foods for later. I only put on the computer because a friend of my youngest daughter called and I wanted to see which email address my daughter had been using. I seem to get really involved with checking posts on OH. Or cleaning up. As my personality goes, I would rather be out and about then home cleaning. I tend to get too much, and keep too much. I know that is true of a lot of people. I am adjusting to not being home. I had very few at home days last year! If I wasn't working, I was traveling. I am looking forward to a trip to a small island where I have been going on mission trips. I have made many friends there. I have not sat down to write some letters as I promised myself I would do. I have been journaling in this nice winged cherub bound book that cost just two dollars from Ocean State Job Lot. I am writing the various foods that I eat with the times and ounces in a day planner along with my comments. I am 20 days since the operation. I have been blending my food, and eating some baby foods. If you look at my blog you will see some issues I have had. I still feel full from the egg beaters and the broth I drank. I cannot believe it is so late. I spent time scrubbing to get in some exersize as an arm toner. I read the green notebook again for the important information about the blended diet. I found the page from my PCP doctor that I had asked to see my weight tracked from the visits over the years. I am still higher than I was in October '97, and today I am four and and a half pounds near the one hundred pound weight loss since my highest weight on April '06. One thing I want to do during this time of recuperation is get more disciplined. A lasting discipline. I am used to short bursts of energy, or segmented discipline for an event or project. At sixty with some issues with arthritis, a job injury, sleep apnea, and being overweight I have continued to do as much as I can. I do not ever see myself as an athlete. I walk for enjoyment to visit a museum or when traveling. I do not look forward to a treadmill. So, that is something I have to discipline myself to do. I have many different interests than my husband. I pursue them on my own and do not expect him to go along. Yet, some say, Is Bobby going when I tell them I am going on yet another mission trip? Now, though for both our health, and well being I want him to go along with exercizing.
on 1/24/08 5:46 am
Hi, Linda, My husband's from Bedford MA. But we live in Virginia. He's a big exerciser so he doesn't get how I got to be overweight. Oh well, I go on without him most of the time. I have felt better since Wednesday, I'm thankful to say. Seems I have turned a corner. I am very glad. I'm on pureed food for the next week...not too bad. I eat cottage cheese, sting cheese and chew very well. Soup, smoothies with protein powder, baby food, mashed up chicken salad, mashed up roast beef lunch meat. Right now I am drinking a cup of hot ginger tea which is great. Can't drink but half the cup though. I wanted to ask you about your mission trips. I am a pastor and I wondered what church you are associated with. Good for you to share your time to help someone else. Talk to you soon. Keep up the good work and keep the faith! Carla
on 1/24/08 6:42 am - Marlborough, MA
Dear Carla: I will try to include all the questions, and statements brought up in your message. I was just going to click off the computer when I heard your response, I have been calling cut down on my weight along with the RNY surgery. I used a tv channel called FitTV to round up my activity level today. Everytime I entered the living room, I would do the exercise. Not as many repetitions, and nothing on the floor. I suspect I would still be down there now, if I did. We just have a one bedroom apartment with a galley kitchen. So, I can go the long way around and get more mileage in. Or should I say yardage? I was going through my clutter. When I get to cleaning, it is the last thing I like to go through. Oh, some of it is old things that I like to keep. I am constantly reminded how I clutter up my life with things. Yet, some are reminders of people who have passed on. I keep cards and letters. I put all sorts of framed pictures of my grandchildren on my hutch to replace the Christmas decorations. I can just see their faces when they come over! I even have the series from Weigh Down Workshop. I have the Spanish Language tapes and books that I used while trying to get a smattering of knowledge before our missinon trip to Nicaragua in 2000. I have not been back there, and have gone kept up with my studies of Spanish. I keep items from my trips, along with postal cards, and pictures. So, part of the time I have recuperating, I should organize some pictures. I have old albums of when my children were infants that have fallen apart. I have new albums just waiting for pictures. My pictures of England, and Scotland are on CD, and my external hard drive. My former minister leads the trips. He does an excellent job. We went to England in 2004. Just last April and May, we went to Scotland. We did not stay as long as the dollar was devalued. I know that I will take more pictures when I go to Dominica in April. In fact, so many of the pictures that I take I will send copies to the people of Marigot and Wesley. One family has quite a few of my pictures of their children. I met them when their youngest was just two, and so shy that she would hide behind her mom's skirt. I worship in the Sudbury United Methodist Church which is on Route 27 in Sudbury. I grew up in Sudbury. Tell your husband that he could find that many people who worked at Hanscom Air Force Base lived in Sudbury, and went to school with me. Today, is three weeks since the surgery. I am on just pureed foods. I ate cottage cheese mixed with grits this morning, and had canned carrots blended in the Magic Bullet. I put some applesauce in the little bowl so as to have three ounces. I find that if I get up and walk away for a time I can eat slower. It is a discipline I have to do. I will have to start praying that I can eat slower. I am seriously wondering if I am drinking too much from one time to another I can drink. I drank three cups of Herb Ox chicken broth, had a sugar free popsicle, and then drank water from a Polar Springs bottle. I can get protein smoothies, and drinks in fairly easily. I read about a woman who felt she could not drink water. I do gurgle, and sloshing around with the liquids. I used to drink two large Polar Springs bottles or 48 ounces while driving on the Express Mail route. I am glad you mentioned Ginger tea as I was thinking of Dominica just before you sent the email. There is a woman there who wants to get married in June. She has four children and has been with her boyfriend for more than 20 years. She told me that the Methodist Church there will not let her take communion until she marries. I had just pulled out the size 24 mother of the bride dress that I purchased for almost $200. I asked a few people who are talented seamstresses if they thought it could be made into a wedding dress. I was talking with my daughter, Amy, about her seminar in Worcester, and her plans to come and see me on Tuesday. I told her that I had lots of things to give her. I had just talked with Casilda in Dominica, and learned that she wanted to get married. I told her I could not promise anything but if something comes of altering the dress, I would let her know. Amy brought her own wedding gown, and a dress she wore for her wedding rehersal for me to bring to Dominica. Oh, I am going to have some Lipton Herbal Ginger Tea. I am just waiting for it to cool. I better go get it as it has been steeping for so long. Your friend, Linda
Kathy W.
on 1/23/08 1:58 am - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
I am still on liquids (I'm a week out) and I have noticed if I have too big of a drink or drink too fast I have to burp. Once I do that I feel better. I know that doesn't help since I still am not on soft foods but just as an I'm with ya.
on 2/10/08 5:14 am
I am also burping a lot. I noticed when I drink out of a glass the burping is worse than when I drink out of a bottle. Don't know what the difference is but it works for me. If I drink too much or too fast I also get big gas pain not releived untill I burp. Good luck
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