Hi everyone I have not been on here in a while and when I did it was usually on the main board.Im here today because one I want to give up on this surgery.It no longer feels real I have been waiting for almost a year in febuary it will be a year. I am going through voc rehab of which I am very grateful since my insurance bcbs had a clause and there is no way I can use them.Today I went in for the results of the phy eval not sure but I think it was ok he just said it showd I was impulsive and had trust issues.Now keep in mind I went in and saw him the first time in nov. Took the test dec 18th and went back today for the results. Today I was hoping the results could be faxed to the surgeon but no it will take him another 2 to 3 weeks!!!!It just seems like it will never happen...Can a person flunk the pych eval?
I know I need to be paitent it's just so hard.I was really hoping I would have a surgery date for January
you guys are the only ones that can understand where im coming from.I know I am suppose to be learning a lesson here but cant figure out what lesson??? I guess I just really needed to vent.I will go back to being paitent.I just wish I could hear something positive something thats says im getting closer .I havent spoke to voc rehab in months nor the surgeons office.Sorry this is all jumbbled up.Well thanks guys for listening...

Oh, don't give up! It was a long hard road for me to get here, too. I think it's been about two years in my case. I saw my doctor, who had to do the initial referrals for all the lovely tests, then finally did the referral to the specialist. That took MONTHS, and it was the specialist *****ferred me for surgery. I had my first appointments with the hospital, the psych evaluations, the appointments galore, and I'm finally here on the liquid diet, a week before surgery totally wanting to change my mind.
It's a long road. Hang in there. And don't let the psych's evaluation get you down...they're just making sure that they cover all the bases. I mean, how can impulsivity and trust issues make you NOT an ideal candidate for surgery? Stay on can it take three weeks to fax the evaulation?
I wish you the best of luck. Stick it can do it!
Wish you all the best for the psych evaluation. Just keep calling and keep on top of these people. My surgery is 1/8 and they have not told me what time to be at the hospital. But I just I had to go through some waiting. I was lucky with my husband's ins and did not have trouble. he is having it too and did not have trouble. ( mind you we do have many of the health issues due to being overweight.)
Dont give up..It took me a year and one denial before my surgery...and thanks GOD I had my surgery a month ago..Its a long process sometimes but its WORTH it...You will be feeling so much better afterwards....stay positive, focus and think how you will look after you start loosing some weight. Dont give up and think is a day less... It took me almost 6 months more than what I thought I was going to have my hang in there are closer than what you think!!!