Let's talk! Who's doing what?
This forum is moving so slow! I think it's great that we're all getting our January dates!
Who is excited for surgery? Anyone nervous? Who is on the liquid diet, or about to start? Is anyone lucky enough to NOT have to liquid fast?
And what do you think is going to be the hardest obstacle come post-op?
I am nervous but I am like that with surgery.
I don't have to do a liquid diet BUT I did have to drop almost 20 pounds before hand. I am fighting to get those last 5 pounds back off since I went 11 pounds past what the Dr. wanted and I want to back to that on surgery day.
Hardest obsticle will be not killing the hubby since he is already bugging me about when will be able to have sex again. Oh, and seeing my Grandma off since she is coming to CT from OH to help out.
Hey guys.......My surgery is on Jan 15th......I am so nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Ive never had any kind of surgery before. I dont know how Im going to handle the pain though. And I guess that Im one of the lucky ones that doesnt have to liquid fast
I think the hardest thing for me to overcome is going to be the pain. Im just trying to make myself expect the worst, and hope for the best.

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/07 5:08 pm
on 12/29/07 5:08 pm
HI, In two days I will start the pre-op liquid diet... my surgery is scheduled for 15/1 and I will have a vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) done. Share the feelings of being nervous and must admit have some denial as well to cope with it all. Does anyone of you have the fear that this might be a disappointment too after so many failed weight loss attempts? Good luck to you all and lets indeed make this an active support group for the January 2008 group...!!
Ooh, ME ME! I actually posted last night on the main board that I feel like I'm inevitably going to fail this, the same way that I've failed every diet since high school.
Here's the post and the replies, I'll share it here because it sounds like you and I have the same fears!
I haven't even been thinking about the surgery/hospital stay because I'm too concerned with post-op!
Hi all!!!! Im new to this forum, my surgery is Jan 7.
I am pretty excited, I dont have to do a preop diet at all, but I will be trying to eat low carb high protein for the remainder of my wait, and will prob do liquid only for the 2 -3 days before surgery.
For me I think the hardest thing post op will be sitting at home, for 4 weeks.
Hi, my surgery is scheduled for the 14th of January...and I am way too excited
I have a liquid diet to follow a week before...but I actually started it the day after Christmas...want to make sure I lose some before the surgery to make it easier.
I am not too worried about the pain...I usually do okay with that...I am worried about the hospital stay. I had surgery a few months ago...and the hospital stay wasnt the greatest
But heck its only a day or two
I can manage that.

Hi Shannon!
My surgeon isngt requiring me to do a liquid diet and hasnt even mentioned it so I didnt even know there was one until I started exploring this site LOL I would hate to have to do that before surgery, when you are still hungry! LOL I joined the gym the day after I had my initial consultation with my doctor and have been going regularly. I also cut out dr pepper completely and am only drinking things that are approved for after surgery. I knew that would be my biggist obstacle so I wanted to get used to it first. So far, so good.
Dr. Pepper...mmmmhhmmmm.
It sounds like there are going to be many things that we won't be able to eat again, so I'm trying hard not to even think about it! But a few months ago, I was eating in a restaurant in close proximity to a woman that I know has had RNY surgery. She's a few years out, and lost all of the excess weight that she had carried. She SCARFED down a big bowl of soup and a huge sandwich wrap in a very fast amount of time. I don't know how she did, after reading all the posts on the main board.
You don't know howwww lucky you are that you don't have to do the liquid diet thing. I'm halfway used to it by now!