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J M.
on 4/13/09 11:54 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh-Ins
Hi Ladies -
I was swamped yesterday and forgot to check in..... better late than never :)

The scale has started to move back down..... thank god!  -

My #'s
HW 311
SW 295
Lw 160
Cw 157 - down 3  - I'll take it..... just 7 more till my comfort zone.

Suz - Honor Society is  a High School thing, students have to be nominated by their teachers and it usually is in their Junior or Senior year.
My daughter was just inducted last month to the National Honor Society and the Italian Honor Society ( she takes italian in school). It is a great achievement for the kids and it looks great for college.
Brit - Congrats to your daughter as well, it is a very proud moment as a parent.
Suz - congrats to your daughter too, wrestling is one sport that scares the crap out of me.... I don't even want my son to do it.

until next week......
on 4/13/09 7:43 am - Elk Grove, CA
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh-Ins
Wonderful news about your daughter, Brit! Is the Honor Society something that is available in high school? MacKenzie is currently taking two honors classes, but plans up to 5 next year...although, she is only in 7th grade this year. I haven't heard about any kind of honor society-type groups in middle school.

And, good on you for keeping your weight steady this week! I am fighting the chocolate period-induced demon ...I have already caved in today...the chocolate won. :-( I just hope I can turn this slippery slope upside-down before it gets out of hand. I could keep these extra couple of pounds and look exactly the same and wear the same size 2...but I don't mentally like the numbers I'm seeing, or the feeling of mild failure that gets stuck in my head. I feel crazy worry about 2 or 3 pounds extra is just silly, I think. I'm simply fearful of 2 or 3 turning into 20 or 30 extra pounds.

   High Wt. 251.5/Goal 150/Current 145  39 yrs. old, 5' 6" tall, Size 1
  December 22, 2009~~ BA, Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck, Sm. Thigh lift   
                     Dr. Francisco Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico

on 4/13/09 5:47 am
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh-Ins
Good afternoon-
Congrats on your daughter Suz!!!

I am the same weight as last week- BUT I did have 4 days of exercise.  I had 3 good days of eating and 4 that were poor.  I am back to logging my intake and I think that will help.  I was lower during the week- but Easter candy killed me over the weekend.  This week was a good learning tool for me- I don't want to continue having a few days of poor eating undo all my hard work- so this week will be better.

We also celebrated my second oldest daughter invitation to the National Honor Society.  we are sp proud of her.

Brit :)
on 4/13/09 5:34 am, edited 4/14/09 6:14 am - Elk Grove, CA
Topic: Monday Morning Weigh-Ins
Hello, all! Getting a late start on weigh-ins today...all three kids had dental appointments...ugh.
Anyway, better late than never. So, everyone who is still out there...check in and hold yourself accountable!!!!!! That's an order! LOL

Surgery/high: 251.5
Last Monday: 144.1
Today: 144.8 (it's that time...I am bloated and cranky )

I think I did a little better this week with my late-night snacking, but I can always aim to do better this week. It's going to be tough with the period induced cravings, though.

In other news, our weekend was fab! My oldest daughter, MacKenzie, was invited to attend the California State Middle School Girls Wrestling Tournament. She won second place in her weight pool. I could not be more proud of her. She fought hard and even wrestled her last match (for 1st or 2nd place) with a hurt left elbow. If not for the injured arm, I truly believe she would have won 1st place. Perhaps next year. I'll see if I can overcome my computer ineptitude to post a pic later.
This is MacKenzie at her medals ceremony, after a verrryy loonnnggg day of wrestling. She was not too happy to have to take pictures without being able to fix her hair first...she likes to be all girl when not on the mat.
DSC_0068.jpg picture by EGSuzie_photos

MacKenzie is on top during her second match of the day. She won. DSC_0033.jpg picture by EGSuzie_photos
Make it a great week ladies!


   High Wt. 251.5/Goal 150/Current 145  39 yrs. old, 5' 6" tall, Size 1
  December 22, 2009~~ BA, Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck, Sm. Thigh lift   
                     Dr. Francisco Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico

on 4/12/09 8:29 am - Lansdowne, PA
Topic: RE: help
Hi Steph,
 I was reading your post to Swannie and it seems like we're all going through the same thing right now.  I've had a 10lb gain and I'm scared to death.  I have promised myself to get back to exercising and get back to drinking my water as opposed to Crystal Light.  CL is okay but there's nothing like water to quench your thirst and clean out the body.

on 4/9/09 1:25 pm
Topic: RE: Does everyone still follow "the rules"
I drink and eat at the same time- but I don't drink a lot with my meals.

I can totally eat like I did pre-op and have, and that's why I'm battling the bulge again.

I can eat bread- especially if toasted and I can eat a whole large bagel.  I have a harder time with rice and usually avoid it.  I'm not a pasta person- never was.

I too, am pretty good about grabbing protein first- unless I go too long and then I go straight for the easy carbs.
I can eat any snack food known to man and I had gotten into eating candy bars again- nothing makes me ill- except if I really binge on pure sugar and a lot of it and quickly.  I get sweaty and shaky- but it has to be an enormous amount- like at least 5 candy bars at once(fun size).

Awhile back I was on a white wine kick- I had a glass a night- but that has passed.  If I drink more than 2 glasses and occasionally just 2- I get a stomach ache and feel nauseous.  I never go over 2.

I am faithful about all my supplements.  I am currently getting iron infusions once a month.  I'm not sure it's a complete dietary problem though- I think I'm in the beginning of menopause and that's contributing.  After all the iron problems I've had- I am religious about my supplements.

I rarely- maybe 1-2 a month have a protein supplement.  I'd rather eat my protein.  I too am greatful for the habit we got into of protein first.
I REALLY struggle with carbs.  If I start my day off with carbs I am almost doomed.  I wish I could eat just a little of them- but it's like putting my finger in a dam- there's no holding it back- the cravings are too much for me.

I'll be okay- just a bad setback.  I'm getting back on track.  I just can't slack for as long and as hard as I did.  I would say my eating cababilities are pretty close to pre-surgery.  I ate 3 pieces of deep dish pizza in one sitting last summer.  That scared me and I try be better about it- but the possibility remains.  So- it's up to me now and I know I can do it and I know I'll feel better for it...
on 4/9/09 1:04 pm
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
I'm over now and struggling to get back down-
but wanted to let you know I went 12 pounds over goal previously and then was able to lose it and get down even lower...
just wanted you to know...
J M.
on 4/9/09 7:21 am - NJ
Topic: RE: Does everyone still follow "the rules"
Thanks Suz for your answers.....
i think it is funny that some of our eating habits have become so ingrained in us that we are on auto pilot.
I have a funny story -
one night i went out with my husband and drank a few too many and was pretty trashed ( i hate that feeling) - anyway he was hungry on the way home and stopped as a McDonalds. He got me a cheeseburger..... as trashed as i was I had enough sense to remove the bun and eat only the burger..... I'm amazed that i'm so programed to eat this way !

I too wish I could remove the excess skin from my arms/belly and chest..... summer is almost upon us and that is the worse for me. Like you the funds are limited and that cannot be a priority right now..... although plastic surgeons are feeling the crunch  as well and have made me even lower offers..... i'm going to see how low they will go.
on 4/9/09 6:51 am - Elk Grove, CA
Topic: RE: Does everyone still follow "the rules"
Hey, Marta...well, in a
But to expand on that answer:

* First off, chocolate is part of my every day life. I don't go a day without it! It is always dark, nearly bitter, and heavenly in every way. It may sound crazy to say that this is one thing I will never, ever give up...but it's true. They will have to pry it from my cold, dead hands for me to go without it. Now that I have that out of the

* I generally don't drink with meals, but I seldom follow the 30 minute rule anymore. Honestly, it just doesn't seem to make much of a difference either way...for me personally.

* I can eat nearly anything I choose. The few foods that used to bother me, don't anymore. I eat a lot of salads! I am currently working on eating the "pure" proteins that used to fill me up and keep me full. I strayed from eating high-density proteins as my primary focus of mealtimes, and I feel the difference. Plus, I just feel like it's the right thing to do...meaning: carbs aren't the devil or bad, but they sure do take on a life of their own when they aren't tightly controlled. Protein first is clearly the way to go.

*I can eat sugar without much effect, though I tend to limit full-strength, real sugar to a dessert now and again. Otherwise, I still stick to Splenda or Truvia.

* I do eat a 100 calorie bagel once in a great while, shy away from pasta (never did like it much anyway), stick to a couple of tbsp. of brown rice once in a while with my homemade stir-fry, and rarely eat bread, buns, rolls, tortillas, or any other type of bread product. They just aren't appetizing to me. Now, graham crackers? That's a different story. Those are the devil! LOL

* I don't eat snack foods other than Kay's Naturals, and that is limited. I love the cinnamon pretzels, but they are pricey...therefore, I am very careful with my stash!  Popcorn is something I often crave, but once I have a few hands full...I'm done.

* And alcohol...yes, that is something I indulge in. Lately, a small glass of some type of red wine is a nightly treat, often with my dark chocolate. Certainly not the best choice one could make, but it is the choice I am making right now...I can own it. Although, I tend to go through phases in all things food and, the wine craze will surely pass soon enough.

* And finally, supplements. Well, I am doing better these days than I have over several periods in the last year. Did that make sense? lol. I am making a concerted effort to get them all in, every day, since I was told my ferritin had dropped nearly 60 points in the last year. I probably could have headed that disaster off at the pass had someone clued me in to my dropping levels at 18 months. But, that just goes to show how important it is for us to stay on top of our lab results, and to not leave it to someone else (surgeon, Nut, or any one) to decided when it's important to take action against dropping levels.

So, all in all, I can certainly eat more volume and variety, but I am still feeling plenty of restriction as far as the pouch is concerned. I still have trouble eating 1/2 cup of cottage cheese! I eat like a normal person should and get in 1500-2000 calories a day regularly...probably more than an average RNY post-op, but it works for me. No health issues, no complaints. I am happy as a clam, with exception of the excess skin that I'd like to have chopped off. As soon as I find an extra $11,250, I'm heading to CosMed to do just that!


   High Wt. 251.5/Goal 150/Current 145  39 yrs. old, 5' 6" tall, Size 1
  December 22, 2009~~ BA, Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck, Sm. Thigh lift   
                     Dr. Francisco Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico

J M.
on 4/9/09 4:39 am - NJ
Topic: Does everyone still follow "the rules"
Hi -
I was just wondering if everyone is still following the"rules" we were told when we first had surgery? I have to say for me personally that I do 95% of the time.
After 2 1/4 years I still do not eat and drink at the same time and I do wait at least 30 min after eating to drink. Before eating the time varies.
i have noticed that I can eat alot more that i could in the beginning - volume wise - which is scarry to me. I like being forced to eat only a small amount and being able to tell instantly that I should stop. Now... it takes longer to fill full.

i also can eat bagels, bread, rice, pasta...... i could not for the longest time and i liked that because i'm a carb addict.  I still can only eat 1/2 bagel or small portions of pasta and rice and i'm very conscious about the portion size.
I am still very diligent about protein first, them veggies, them carbs.

sweets..... i can eat them too..... I don't violently dump.... i just get really sleepy and sometimes get heart palpatations..... but stupid me.....i don't seem to learn and will still take a "taste" knowing what happens. Now this is not a common practice for me, I do really try to avoid sugar as much as possible.

snack foods..... chips, pretzels.... crunchy foods.... right down the hatch...... no problems.

alcohol...... I can only handle 2 drinks at  most and then i'm looped, but my eating spins out of control.... I think that if I eat something it will "soak" up the alcohol.... not true and then I eat things that I should not.

Does anyone else notice that they are able to eat these things as well? I know my doctor said that by now I should be able to eat like a normal person..... but I do find it scarry.

i don't drink enough - due to not eating and drinking at the same time.....
i don't take any protein supplements anymore.....maybe I should bump up my protein again...
i am faithful about my vitamins/iron/b12.

all in all i'm doing ok...... just wondering how everyone else is doing.

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