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Topic: RE: Prayer Patrol - Saturday, March 1st, 2008
Amen - so be it!!
Group Prayer:
Prayers that everyone still striving to reach goal has the strength, motivation and courage to continue to strive towards reaching goal and making healthy / wise choices and adherance to the rules of the pouch.
Definately my area of need also!
Thanks Lindy - God Bless!
Topic: RE: How do you deal w/food police?
I'm sorry that your husband acted so hurtful towards you. I agree - maybe he was upset with himself for over indulging and took it out on you.
At times my husband will "police" my intake, but usually he is right, I am eating too much or the wrong thing. He does it very lovingly and I know of out total concern for me. He hates it when I get sick from eating. Still, it is hard to hear sometimes.
I think you are (or I know I would be) hurt over the way that he expressed his opinion of your intake. If possible you should talk it over and let him know that you appreciate his support but that was not really effective help.
Topic: RE: How do you deal w/food police?
Hi Katy: I am sorry to hear that you had to deal with seems very insensitive of your husband but I would think he was probably upset about something else and just lashing out at you (you know when we are hurting or upset, we usually hurt the ones we love and love because it is easier to do). I would have been angry and hurt by his comments and I would encourage you to discuss my feelings with him. You are doing a wonderful job ( the proof is in your weight loss) so continue to make the wise choices that work for you no matter what opinion the "food police" ( and there will be many, not just at home either) think!
Topic: RE: Prayer Patrol - Saturday, March 1st, 2008
AMEN!! Thanks again Lindy for starting this! Saturdays work for me too. I forgot about it yesterday morning and was so upset that I didnot get up and remember to pray with you guys. But I log in this morning and here is the prayer list! This thread is going to be such a blessing to us all!! I can't wait to start hearing the praise reports coming in for our sisters we are in prayer with. The group prayers are much needed and brought tears to my eyes when I prayed the part about "Prayers that everyone still striving to reach goal has the strength, motivation and courage to continue to strive towards reaching goal and making healthy / wise choices and adherance to the rules of the pouch.". This is so what I need right now.
Thanks again

Topic: Prayer Patrol - Saturday, March 1st, 2008
January Losers,
I had an overwhelming response to my post about having a weekly Prayer Patrol Post. I believe that Saturday's will be easier on me to maintain, because it's just to hard to do it during the week with my new job. Please keep me posted during the week of anything I need to add or take away. I will then just copy / paste and update for the next weeks posting. Unfortunately because our site doesn't have the ability to have better coding, I can't do anything fancy and pretty with the wording or edit intermittently throughout the week. But, that's okay, we know what we need to do with the data, Pray, Pray, Pray.
Remember that Matthew 21:22 says... "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Anna (Anna Bryant)
Best wishes and success for Plastic Surgery Consult on March 21st.
Bel (Bel Le)
Best wishes and success for Plastic Surgery Consult for TT and Thigh lift and surgery. Possibly the same week that Janie has hers, which is March 27th.
Beth (Beth N)
Warm wishes to get over bronchitis and stay healthy.
Denise (Barbara Garcia)
I'm having an MRI done Friday (2/29) on my back. I have a bulging disc in my neck and lower back. PRAY that I won't need surgery to fix it...have started physical therapy to try to get it healed without surgery. I'll let y'all know when I get the results.
Janie (Janie M)
Prayers that her TT and BL surgery go well and for her surgeons hands during the process. Also for a speedy recovery. The official date is March 27th.
Holly (Holly R)
Prayers that she doesn't have anyone else in her household come down with the cold or sickness, so she can get some much needed rest and relaxation for a change.
Katy (Katy B)
I am scheduled to start allergy testing tomorrow. I am off steroids and the weight is starting to come back down. But to do testing, I am off meds. Today they told me if my allergies were really bad they would need to postpone testing. Well duh, how am I going to get this dealt with if they don't test?
Lindy (Twinkie K)
Desires to get pregnant and strength to handle all of the pressures of a new position at the same time. Prayers for success in meeting the goals established for my weight loss support group for 2007. We are striving for 2 fun run walks, 5 new members (which we already attained) and a total new weight loss of all new people added and weight loss of existing members of 1000 lbs, and to never have to cancel one of our bi-monthly meetings, and the design / purchase of business cards to spread the word about our group (which we already obtained) and the design of our new website to bring together people in our area for much needed support that is not dictated by people who have never had the surgery and don't understand what we are going through. I was struggling with loosing too much weight, but I am glad to report that I am back up to 116.4 lbs, so I am sure that it was due to the stomach virus and dehydration that was setting in.
Lori (Lori M)
To update on me, I meet with my GYN on Monday 3/3 to schedule my hysterectomy. He called last week and the lesion on my cervix is adenocarcinoma (cancer) but we caught it early enough that the hysterectomy should remove it and I won't need chemo or radiation. While we do the hysterectomy a general surgeon will also be on hand to address the bowel issues, and hopefully whatever he sees he'll be able to fix...that's still not "diagnosed" but could be some sort of internal hernia or kink in my bowels...They'll also do a liver biopsy because my liver has some sort of damage. Quite possibly "fatty liver" from being obese, but it's possible that with the 117 lbs I've lost, the liver is on the mend. I'll update when I have a surgery date scheduled.
Marta (Marta Greig)
I been having gall bladder problems and had an ultrasound done and yup - I have gall stones. they want to take it out, so..... that would mean another surgery. I feel like i'm falling apart. I had no issues at 311 pounds and now i have had knee surgery and now need to have gall bladder surgery in the same year. I know i'm healthier than ever, but I still feel like I'm falling apart
Group Prayer:
Prayers that everyone still striving to reach goal has the strength, motivation and courage to continue to strive towards reaching goal and making healthy / wise choices and adherance to the rules of the pouch.
Here is an ample supply of fairy dust to get things rolling for those in a stall:
Group Prayer:
Prayers that everyone is getting in enough exercise, protein, water, and vitamins
Group Prayer:
Tolerance in dealing with the pain in the tailbone area.
"Together Everyone Achieves More" with our dedication as a group in praying for everyone, we can keep people motivated to do their best to stay on track with their individual weight loss goals and to know that no matter where anyone else is in their journey, everyone here is a success.
Hugs and Prayers,
Patrol Angel on Duty

Topic: How do you deal w/food police?
Okay, I am cranky. How do you deal with the food police?
My hubby overate today. He acted like I had too. No, I couldn't--I asked for a to go box when my food came and loaded it up. I ate as I normally would. He ate most of my plate and then announced to the waiter that WE had eaten too much. He ate the entire bowl of salsa with chips. I had two. He acted like I had eaten the entire bowl. He then asked how I could eat so much? Had I stretched out my pouch? I looked at him and said "are you serious?" I opened my totally packed to go box and showed him all the food I was taking back and shoving in the hotel fridge.
In the car, he proceeds to list my food violations: too much cheese (I limit myself to one slice a day); failure to eat salads (I still dump on lettuce) and how I eat too much starch--when I said "what starches", he said I eat beans every day. What?
Several hours later I got a small package of pretzels and was nibbling on them. He got ballistic and pitched a fit saying this was just like before surgery and I was eating bad food and I would never get to goal if I ate those pretzels. I ignored him and kept eating them. He said I was putting food before him.
Okay, I am not the only one in my house with food issues, apparently. My huge fear is that this is just the beginning of the food police moving in. I don't know how to handle this. I can't decide if I am angry, hurt, worried, or what.
Has anyone else had anything like this happen? What do you do?
Katy B
Topic: RE: Caloric Intake
Denise- Sorry about the back problems! Ouch! I had major issues during my twin pregnancy and never realized how miserable back problems could make me.
About the food, I eat a lot of nuts, jerky, cheese, and fruit. I cannot imagine eating 1100 calories a day. I think I would feel hungry all the time! My appetite is great, if not a little too good. It is odd, I feel physically hungry, but often nothing sounds appetizing. It is a little frustrating.
My favorite foods right now are graham crackers and milk (not good choice...), Nutella on whole wheat bread (awful choice!), and chow mein noodles from Panda Express (another horrible choice). I hope it shifts again soon and I go back to craving meat.
Good luck with the back issue!
Topic: RE: Caloric Intake
I have a herniated disk and they wanted to do suregry- I went with the shots in your spine instead. they're not overly pleasant- but definitely something you should atleast look into- maybe that's a possibility... WAY better than surgery.
I get a lot of calories in through nuts- I am a nut-a-holic. I eat pistachios, cashews, almonds, peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. They're protein filled, healthy heart foods and healthy fats too. You can really get the calories in with those...
Your new avatar looks great!!! Congrats on being so close to goal!!!

Topic: RE: How much are you exercising?
Hey Holly - I can't tell you honestly when was the last time that I didn't exercise. I get in at least 30 minutes a day. I think it drives my dh nuts though, I can't do anything before I exercise.I have to make it a priority though and just do it. He wants me to take one day off a week. I'm just scared to death that once I go down that slippery slope I'll just stop all together. Then I'll eat the wrong foods and too much of this or that and then back to where I started from. I'm a bit of a control freak I guess. Just trying to keep tabs on my weight so that I never end up where I started at.
How 'bout you, you said you get in 6 days a week right? That's great!