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Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Wow Lori, you poor thing. I'm so sorry. I hope they are able to remove all of the cancer AND figure out what's going on w/ your bowels and/or stomach. Ok, I didn't realize this, but you have 2 separate issues right? How did you find out about the cancer, did you go for an annual exam? How scary, you are in my prayers hon. God is good and we'll continue praying for a great outcome for ya!
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
It actually hurts my tummy to eat. It's not daily, but weekly I'll go through these waves of issues. It's been going on for so long that I forget what normal feels like. About 15 minutes after I eat on random days (we've tried to narrow down foods types or other factors and nothing is consistant) but anyway, on random days about 15 minutes after I begin eating my stomach (it's actually my bowels) will begin with these awful sloshing and spitting's very water park in full action-ish...but it HURTS! Anyone within 15 feet can here the noises and with the noises comes intense pain, you can actually watch the food/ gas moving through the bowels like an alien is moving in my stomach. The only relief is had by pushing very hard into my left side (stomach area) or going into the fetal posiition. I can't sit or stand comfortably, and I break out into cold sweats, and dry heave or get foamies. This goes on in waves for 2-3 hours until the pain and noises subside (which puts me right to sleep) and then for a day or two afterward I am very nauseous. Just as I begin eating normal again for a couple of days, the episodes will return. It all began last summer when I had the small bowel obstruction, but now there is no sign of an obstruction. The general surgeon I'm working with now says that there is a possibility that scar tissue could have built up around and adhered a portion of the bowels to the wall of my abdomen to cause this or I could have bowels stuck in a herniated area in my abdomen...What we are doing on 4/7 are two surgeries. My GYN will do the hysterectomy to remove the cancer, which has only minimally invaded beyond the cervix, and a general surgeon will go in and "explore" my bowels to try to find out what is going on there. If he can't locate a problem he'll send me to a professor at Baylor who understands the risks and side effects of gastric bypass and see if he can figure out what's going on. As som eof you may know, my surgeon retired, BUT even if he hadn't my hysterctomy is being done close to home so I found a general surgeon out here who's not necessarily a gastric bypass surgeon, but can do whatever is needed to run through the bowel system. So that's what's going on.
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Silly girl..I live in Ca. I was just making sure that nobody thought that I meant Monterey Mexico instead, although lately it's felt like it...71 is today's forcast temp.! Unfortunately it's not going to be that kind of vacation :o(.
Year-round works by having kids start the school year in July. Depending on the "track" they are on, A-D, they have a rotating month off. A goes first by having mid-July through mid-August off, then A comes back on track and B has mid-August to mid-September off...they just rotate through the year. So, they end up going to school for 4 months, with one full month off. Instead of semesters, they use trimesters. It works well if for vacations and such...but only if all of your kids are in year-round and they are all on the same track. We currently have one in high school (traditional year), one in 6th grade (year-round), and one off-loaded kindergartener offloaded (moved to another school due to overcrowding) who is supposed to be year-round, but the new school is on traditional schedule. They all start and end their days at completely different times of the day, as well. This year has been no fun so far :o(.
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Have fun in California Suz, can I come? It's still COLD here in MI.
Hey, I wish we had all year school. How does that work, do they get more time off, for instance a week here and a week there?
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Marta - I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have your surgery today. Nothing like having everything planned out only to have them cancel huh? I hope your upcoming surgery goes well. You'll be in my prayers.
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
I'm sorry to hear that the weight keeps dropping (did you ever think you'd hear that?) Is it that you're just not hungry, does it hurt to eat? I hope they find something out on 4/7. Please tell me again what type of surgery you're having? You'll be in my prayers. ***HUGS***
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Yes, Holly I can relate to the feeling huge thing. If I go up just one lb I start feeling fat again. I hope one day we'll change our way of thinking. I bounce between 123-125. I'm hoping with my upcoming PS that I'll get down to 120-123 and stay there!
Stephanie, only 18 more lbs to go??? AMAZING! You are just doing awesome!
Topic: RE: Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Good Evening on this rainy day (here in Missouri it has rained ALL day)
My husband and I were in Las Vegas for a work related expo on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. All that walking helped off-set all the eating!
SW: 247
LW: 157
CW: 156.6
.4 just enough to mention I guess.
BTW - on the "feeling huge" comments above I can relate. I still have not adjusted mentally and have to really study myself in pictures to believe it is true. It is truly an amazing journey.
I still have my heart set on a goal weight between 140 - 145.
Have a great week everyone!
Topic: RE: Pics--3 days out from abdominoplasty and lipo...
Jill, I wasn't able to see the pics. There is something wrong with your blog too.