Starting the ole Plastics search......

J M.
on 9/4/08 4:36 am - NJ
Hi Everyone -
I know that I have not been around lately, it has been a crazy summer. I have basically stabilized my weight ( 148 - 153) which is great. Not much action happening in that department.
However, I'm starting to look in to plastic surgery. I actually have my 1st consultation on Monday the 8th. For those of us who had plastic surgery , did anyone have their arms done? My arms are my biggest concern right now... I can live with everything else....for now.
I'm more scared to have the ps done than the bypass. Anna you look great and I can only hope that I would have a positive experience as you did.
any thoughts would be helpful -
Anna Bryant
on 9/4/08 10:16 am - Roanoke, VA
Thanks Marta!!!  Sorry no advice as far as arms go.  Just make sure you pick a dr people know and you can see his work.  A lot of folks on the VA board had had PS with Dr. K and I got to see how good he was.  When I met him it just sealed the deal.  He is kind and caring and made me feel at ease right away.  His father recently passed and he came home and saw me (and I'm sure others) that had problems before going back for the funeral.  I thought that spoke more then a 1000 words from others could of.  I was having issues with my belly button.  Just make sure you are completely comfortable with your choice and if for any reasons you have doubts about your choice don't do it.  Also if you have someone with you make sure they know exactly what to expect so there won't be any surprised and you end up having to take care of everything yourself. 


270/136/135 docs new goal
Plastic Surgery scheduled July 23, 2008  LBL, BL. Dr. Mitchell Krieger

J M.
on 9/5/08 12:28 am - NJ
Thanks Anna -
I'm actually looking into 4 doctors and all of them have been highly recommended or I do know someone that has used them. I guess i also have to consider $$ - some work with insurance and some don't - but they have payment plans. I really don't want $$ to be the deciding factor, but i guess i can't put myself into serious debt.... I have 3 kids getting close to college.
on 9/4/08 11:31 am - IN
I had my arms done, or what I like to call a "bat wing-ectomy".  I love it, no regrets, no wings!.  In a year or so, I will have my thighs done as well and I will probably do a scar revision on my arms at that time.  They tend to be very thick scars initially because the skin on that part of the arm is thin and the surgery puts a lot of pressure on it. The scars have a tendency to be raised and thick, but the revision will take care of that from what I understand.  My digital camera is totally dead, or I would email you some pics.  Sorry!

BTW-  I also had a body lift and and breast lift with augmentation if you have any questions you would like answered?

J M.
on 9/5/08 12:38 am - NJ
Thanks Belle -
The body lift ? - is that just the lower abdomen and stomach. it doesn't include your butt or thighs?
I get scared of thinking of have so much work done - because honestly I could use a tummy tuck, implants/lift and my thighs done..... basically my whole body.
I figure to start w/ my arms and chest, since I can hide pretty much everything else.

thanks -
on 9/6/08 12:35 pm - IN

Marta-  I was pretty much the same way...  lots of skin everywhere.  The body lift is also called a 360, because it goes all the way around your body.  I lifts the butt, gets rid of the back rolls, and does the tummy tuck, all in one surgery.  It was no sweat, seriously.  I know it sounds horrible, but no problem at all.  The breast lift and implants were much worse for me.

on 9/4/08 4:21 pm - Zeeland, MI
Hey Marta - nice seeing you here again. I didn't have my arms done, but want them done. I agree w/ Anna though, make sure and research whomever you chose. Also, you might want to ask your doctor who did the WLS if they can recommend anyone. That's how I found my plastic surgeon, Dr. Hing. He speialized in doing plastics on people who have had gastric bypass and have lost a ton of weight. I think that's important too, that whomever you chose has experience in dealing with all of the loose skin we have from being obese.

I had a tummy tuck w/ a vertical extension and a breast lift in March of this year. I love it. The final thing I want done now are my arms. I really want to see a picture of what the scars look like though.

Anyways, good luck to you.

  Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics highest 239/Day of surgery 225/Current 119  TT and Breast Lift 3/08

J M.
on 9/5/08 12:25 am - NJ
Hi Janie -
I actually did get three names from my surgeon and i have 1 more from a friend that actually worked for the PS - and she had work done by him. Although I can't see  much difference on her from b/4. She had a breast reduction and tummy tuck, but she was always thin to begin with.
Anyway - the scars on the arms are noticeable( they run down the inside from the arm pit to the elbow). I have a friend who had hers done and you can only really see the scars when she lifts her arms. At this point I would rather have scars and the wrinkly saggy skin. When i was at the beach this summer i was so self conscious about it. Here I look normal all over and then you see my arms and YUCK. 
i also figured if i do my arms I will do my chest......i wear a c cup but it is all skin..... i don't think a lift would even help me - i might need implants as well.

I guess I have to see what the doctor suggests....
thanks for your imput.
on 9/5/08 4:55 am - Zeeland, MI
I was wondering if my breasts would have been higher had I gotten implants as well. Don't get me wrong, having a lfit is awesome and makes me feel better about myself, but I just wonder. I don't see how they could be lifted up anymore. One has come down a litte and he's going to adjust that in his office. UGH.Can you imagone? If you have a pic of the arm surgery can you send it to me?
[email protected]

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