18 months out and feeling fine!
Wednesday marked 18 months out for me, and Friday was my 18 month visit. I am pleased to report that all of my blood work came back phenomenally! Which is, admittedly, a relief because I wasn't being the most diligent with my vits...kind of one day on/one day off for a few weeks. But, I have turned that around since the vampires took my blood.
Weight is fine, no problems or issues to report...still down 109-111 pounds since surgery. Really, it seems like a wasted visit. A couple of funny things did happen, though. First, the PA came into the room and started laughing. I was a bit taken aback and asked him what was so funny. He said it was really cute how I looked like a little girl sitting on a big park bench...me sitting on the table with my feet swinging. He said that I looked so tiny sitting up there. Me? Tiny? Huh? and finally, " Wow, thank you."
The other thing was that he asked if I had seen my before pics, that are taken a week before surgery, yet. I said no and no thanks. He said that I really needed to take a peek because I would get a kick out of it. Let me tell you...I was shocked. I said that I couldn't believe that pic was of me. He then said, "it's not...this is you"...pointing to that day's photo, and "that was never who you really were, this is." I nearly broke out into tears right there.
Okay...enough story time. I just want all of you to know just how special you all are to me and how much I count on you for support and encouragement. This is a really special place for me. Thank you for sharing your lives with me over this past year and a half...it means the world to me.
Awwwwwww Suz, I am glad you are part of our forum, I've said it before, you keep it real, you come with educated advice and you are encouraging. We are lucky to have you in our January group!
I had to laugh at the image of seeing you sitting there waiting for the doc in those huge chairs and him saying you looked like a little girls swinging her legs on a park bench!!! heheheheheh! I've been told a few times that I look like a little girl. I have to run and look in the mirror and I say "yeah, maybe a little girl who is going crazy, looks like she needs a week of sleep because she chases twins around all day)
YEY for the awesome bloodword results. I have to call my doc tomorrow and see when I need to go in. I may have missed it. OOPSY DAISY!
And omg isn't it crazy to look at pictures from a yr and a half ago and think that's how you were?? I still look at those pictures and feel sorry for that person. : ( It was me, but it wasn't me. Does that make sense?
It totally makes sense...it's like we've been snatched up and stuck in these bodies that just wouldn't let us out for years. I am amazed how long it is taking me to feel like this is me...not the other version. And, I too felt sorry for that "other" me...she looked pretty damn miserable in those before photos. I really can't blame her, either
And you missy... better get to the doctor and get your check up! Besides, it feels so great to hear that all is well and then you can go about your business until the next time. At least I know that I stress over the blood work and have to know if I am in the weeds with my levels. It's so funny...I get nervous every time I have to go in. I have no earthly idea why...I'm not doing anything wrong or having any problems

Wish I could see my before pics- but they're in Bogota, Columbia- so won't be seeing them anytime soon!!!
How cute about his comments- that had to have felt sooo good!!!
I'm getting ready for another set of bloodtests- but was trying to wait til the kids get in school- in case I need another infusion...
Glad your blood work came back so well.
I know you lost weight this week- did he say it was too much? I bet you're pretty bony right now...
Thanks for making me smile-

I really thought that I would end up skin and bones if I lost another pound...but it doesn't seem to have happened. Well, at least I don't really see it. However, my pants are all starting to fall down again and I really don't want to have to start buying 2's...so if the weight doesn't re-distribute to keep the britches up, a couple of pounds are going to have to come back.
Anyway, the PA didn't seem at all worried about my weight because I am still at BMI 22 give or take a few points. My "ideal" weight is 132! But, there is just no way that I can pull that off...I'm just too big boned for that. I really would be a bag of bones if I tried to lose that much. I would look like this----->

You know- now that I look back- I think I should have stopped a little higher. I have no butt or boobs and I'm pretty bony. I have zero curves and that's sad. I'm trying very hard to build muscle so that I look better. Now when I put on weight it goes straight to my stomach.
I think I just got a little carried away with scale and not with what looks best on my body.
All of the surgeons and the PA are amazing! And all of them are gorgeous! It must be a job requirement to work there. But, they are also the nicest group of super-talented people. I was quite fortunate that my insurance changed my original referral to this practice instead.
As for the photo...I wished that it was a dream when I saw it. All I could think was, "I walked around in public looking like that?"
Thank goodness that's over.