Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Sorry about the breakup- I'll be thinking of you... especially tomorrow for your test.
I too have had an extremely bad week food-wise. I have been bad for 3 weeks now and am up 12 pounds from my lowest. Not sure what's going on- it's just I think I'm eating emotionally again.
Like Steph said last week- I have a beer gut and I don't even drink beer!!!
I was a little better today I think because yesterday I hit over the top of my old window and it freaked me out. I could definitely gain back a lot of weight. I had been in the habit of going through drive-thru's and just ordering for the kids- but lately I've been eating the stuff. The diet coke stopped as of midnight last night. That's just something I have to go cold turkey on- I can't seem to maintain moderation there.
Hang in there everyone...
Hey Holly - good luck w/ quitting the diet coke. I'm enjoying it myself and haven't gained so I'm not worried about itn (for now) , but keeping a close eye on my weight and still weigh daily. I think with you gaining a few lbs might just be where your body wants to be, ya know? If I remember correctly, your BMI was very low. Are your clothes still fitting?
All of this talk of gaining is scaring me too. I'm having a hard time this summer being at home w/ the kids all day. My head spins from them talking to me ALL OF THE TIME! I feel that I've been snacking more, but I'm doing something I shouldn't, I'm skipping meals because I just don't feel like eating.
Remember when you go through the drive thru's stick to grilled chicken or steak. I'll eat a snack wrap (grilled chick) at McD's or a fresco burrito at Taco Bell. I know it's not the best for me, but better than a double cheeseburger.
We can do this girls! You guys are always such great supporters.
Ok you guys are scaring me...Im so scared to gain weight... I give my self a 5lb window.
I just started talking to a gal at work that is 5 year post op and has gained back around 25lbs. BUT she looks good!
She says about 2 years out it comes on fast and now she has to really work at it..
That is so scary.
That's why when I gained water weight in the hospital, I decided to keep track on fitday... I want to stay where Im at. I think when I seen 153 after getting out of the hospital it scared the crap out of me and made me realize how I NEVER want to see over 149lbs. EVER!
I've been trying to be more aware or what Ive been eating and why. Im taking snacks back out of the home too... If their not here I don't eat them. One of my bad habits.
Ive also told my kids... when you see me eating something bad, remind me it will make me sick or feeling blah....
Concentrate on protein... dont drink and eat at the same time.
Im scared if I dont go back to basic's then my weight will get out of control and I will spirl down.
This is what's working for me. I still weigh everyday!
Today I was 143lbs.... Last week I think i was 147... far from my highest... of 292!!
Have a good day girls... The weight will come off as fast as you put it on cause you still have that tool, but you gotta work it!!!
Sorry for the RAMBLING!

Stephanie, sorry to hear about the break-up. I had my cycle last week and my weight was up. I too have a 5lb window. Still doing good but I feak at the least little gain. I think I will lose weight eventually after my ps and after the swelling goes away. I tell you that first initial gain from fluid after ps is going to freak me out. I know it is going to happen but never the less I know I will freak.
HW 270
SW 255
LW 242
A 1.2 gain...not too terribly bad but I know I am not eating right and I need to with my ps coming up.