Do you keep track?
Ok... How many of you guys keep track of what you eat?
Do you still count your protein? Cal? Etc?
I was just curious...
I feel like lately that my hands have been putting wrong things in my mouth... and I get the munchy's more and more.
Im maintaining my weight with a 5lbs window since Jan. But so scared that maybe some day that might go away, so I started back on fitday.
Does anyone know how many calories were suppose to be taking in? Carbs? Etc.?
What's your thoughts?

Funny you should post this thread today. Just last night I decided to log my food for the day to see if I really was on track or just kidding myself. The idea was spurred because I had a 5 pound gain OVERNIGHT!!!! I am sure that most if not all is water weight from swelling (it's 110 degrees here today)...but it freaked me out! Anyway, I was shocked to see that everything is on track, except carbs...they were a bit too high for my liking but easily fixed.
I don't know what everyone's limits are of cals, carbs, fats, etc...I only do what works for me and those numbers would likely shock most people. I generally eat between 1400 (very low) up to 2000 calories a day to maintain. If I eat a high percentage of carbs in that 2000, I will gain though. I am currently trying to move back toward protein and away from the carbs....and it's hard 'cuz they're just so good! However, I know for a certainty that those carbs are the cause of all of my cravings and grazing.
I get a little nervous about gaining, but I think that as long as I always focus on staying within that 5 pound window, no excuses, I will be successful at keeping the weight off. Also, I refuse to have any clothing in the house that isn't my current size...I don't want any leeway where that is concerned. I will not buy clothes to sooth my conscience should I gain...I will just have to feel uncomfortable enough to lose it. This used to work for me back in the "olden days" when I was naturally thin. I never allowed myself to accommodate a gain. Of course, pregnancies sort of shot that in the foot three times over! lol. But, so far my "rules" seem to be working.
Crap...this turned into a thesis on weight maintenance. Sorry for the long-windedness.

Seriously thanks for the response!!
I had recent hernia surgery and gained water weight (8lbs).. well anyway I seen 153lbs. YUCK! Freaked me out... Since then (the 3rd) Ive lost it and back down to 147lbs. Goal is 145lbs... I stay in the window of 143-148lbs. Ive been this way since Jan.
But somedays I feel like Im out of control and eating all day long.. Today was one of them, so I logged my food in and Im at 1573 cal. Like you said my carbs were high... but its because I had a junk day! LOL
I did exercise today... not hard cause of post op surg. but I walked 2 miles slowly on the treadmill.
Maybe Im worried about nothing... who knows?
I gotta stay away from the carbs/sugars too! They just make me wanna eat more and graze. Plus IM BORED AT HOME RECOVERY!!!!
hernia's stay away!!!
Have a good one!

I really don't keep track of what I eat and the amount of protein that I'm getting in. I probably should, I've really been bad about getting enough water and protein in. It's like when I got to goal and then had my PS I am not so focused on what I'm eating. I need to though, that's how I gained weight in the first place.
I do weigh daily and that's a good indicator for me on how I'm eating. But there are times when I'll gain overnight and freak out. Well, I started keeping track of it and turns out about 10-14 days before I start my period, I'll gain about 3 lbs. Ovulating?)
I get so scared when I see the scale go up, even though that's usual for me during that time period. I just feel like if I let a few lbs slip in and then a few more then it's hard to lose it and before you know it I'm 200 lbs.
So to answer your question, I really don't keep track, but I'm going to start too.
the weight back.
No- I haven't been - but I'm having trouble getting back on track recently- so I will start again on Sunday or Monday.
I think as long as you are maintaining and your blood tests are fine that you're doing well and then I don't worry about it.
When I trac****ep an eye on protein and total calories...
No real tracking here either, although my husband says I should, so I will know if I am eating enough.
I pretty much am eating whatever I want right now because of the need to gain. But to be honest, I still have it in my mind that I have to stay away from breads and things that were so difficult for me eat due to the pressure on the pouch, etc.
I do fear some day that I will gain alot of weight back and be in trouble because I don't do a good job of journaling and verifying where I am at on eating habits and getting the proper nutrition in.
After my visit with the dr/nut due to the excessive weight loss scare, they did a resting energy metabolism test and it showed at that time that I had to eat 1725 calories a day to maintain 103. I am now hovering between 105-107. I can't seem to get out of that zone. Part of me is scared to eat more to gain because what happens when I get where I am suppose to and can't stop gaining. It's a terrible thing on the mind. It's hard to understand it all, but I am learning to deal with it the best I can.