I woke up at 4am in the morning in VERY VERY BAD PAIN!!! Then it passed and came back... so I kept debating about going to ER.. finally at 2pm.. I called my surgeon... and he met me there, I had a CT scan done.. showed nothing and they were giving me Toradol and Dilaudid for pain and nothing was helping. He finally said let's take you in a do a diagnostic lap... so they did and found TWO hernia's strangling my small bowel.
I had a little pain off and on for the last 3 months.. thinking it was really BAD gas.. had CT scans and it showed nothing... Pretty sure this is what it was.
I goto the doctor Thursday... They say its unusual to keep getting them back. But all of mine has been in different places. This is my second one this year... I had hernia surg. back in Jan.
I go back to work on Friday so Im feeling pretty good now...
Thanks for the nice thoughts and prayers!!
Hernia's stay away!!!!