After Tummy Tuck Pictures!
Suz - thank you! It does feel good to have a flat tummy. But to be totally honest with you (I'm not sure if this is normal of not) once you get one part of your body done, you then find fault with another part of your body. Now I want a butt lift and my arms done, I want a lower body lift, I still have the love handles. How ridiculous is that? I was 100 pounds over weight and now I'm normal weight, I need to be happy with what I have. I should not expect a perfet body,I'm being ridiculous, but I think that's human nature, that we always want one thing, we get it, now we want another. lol! Well, at least that's how I am. But really I am happy with the results.
And you my dear, are absolutely gorgeous. Have you looked at your pictures? You don't need a tuck or a nip at all!!! Thanks again.
Girl...just be glad that you don't have to see me naked!
It is a scary sight to behold. And, I am sure that I will find (and already have
) an infinite number of things that need slicing and dicing. But, I will be satisfied with the belly and the boobs. I would love to have the inner thighs done and varicose vein treatment, but that isn't as important to me at this point...nothing pants can't cover up. But you do look wonderful, so I don't blame you for wanting more of the same.

Anna - thank you!!! I am so happy with the breast lift. I thought my boobs looked small now and I was totally fine with that. I've had big boobs forever and I did not like them. I know many women want the big boobs and guys love them, but to me I think they make me look heavy. Anyways, I thought they were small, until I saw these pics. They look bigger than I thought.
I am so happy with the results though. My breasts after losing the weight did not look normal. They grossed me out, I didn't even like to look at myself after a shower and would not let my dh see them. Now I stand naked after getting out of the shower and doing my hair and makeup and have no problems w/ anyone coming! I look normal again. They are perky. I went from a 44DD before my WLS to a 34C. It's nice to be normal.
When is your surgery again?
Janie: I was not scared at all to have my wls but when a friend of mine had it a few months after I did..and her husband sent a text message saying the surgeon had made the first incision..I almost passed out! I was so afraid for her! And then it hit me that that had to be how my family and friends were feeling when I had it done. As far as the tummy tuck...I think I am more broke than I am afraid! lol I agree with you on that when its my time, its my time to go. Definitely believe in predestination!