Need Help got to Get oN TraCk !!!
I posted in May about my getting off track and I appreciate all the comments and words of encouragement.
I feel like I am loosing ground and need help fast. Here lies part of the problem with me. I am disabled and fight chronic pain, bad joints, just recent back surgery and impending knee replacement at some point, torn rotator cuff, depression (of course with all of this) and the list goes on. Not to mention caring for aging parents and a husband that has health issues too.
With all that being said I realize I am turning to my Old Faithful friend ( enemy) FooD for comfort. Crackers are a big problem and now one REEses PB cup nightly
. My diet is what I feel like eating...I continue to get in my protein, drink lots of water and drink decaf coffee using no sugar but, non dairy creamer I am cutting down on that as I know it dehydrates us... but,that is my drink comforter. My weight has only ( I can hear you saying ONLY!) risen 5 pounds but, that is just not good as I have not even reached my goal. I cannot exercise right now or haven't been able at all since day one due to all of my joint issues. I am hopeful though after recovery from my back surgery I can get in the water and start a program ASAP. I also prior to my back surgery they discovered my liver enzymes are elevated but, with abd sono and hepatitis testing all was negative. I go back in 6 weeks to be retested again...anyone experience this from WL surgery?
Where should I begin? Any meal suggestions or plans? Website with menu plans would be helpful. I have no local support groups just this site and have not been on it in a quite awhile due to things getting in my way such as the reality of what path I am on.
I have not worked this hard losing 100 pounds to go back I refuse but, how do I get my emotions in check and shake myself up to realize if I continue this path all could be lost or should i dare say gained.
Sorry to sound like a whiner but, I do know I need support and help from those of you that may have been there or going through this yourselves. PLEase, Please help
me to know where to start and pray that I will get back on track..My health is at stake and I do not want to waste this tool that I have been granted with...but, I must get my WILL back to change these habits...
Thanks for listening...

Hi Karen, first of all (((((hugs))))). It really sounds like you know what you have to do. I'm going to tell you a few things that I am sure you know but here goes. Do not buy any more recees or crackers. Keep them completely out of the house. Anything you may fall back on keep out of the house. Buy fruits and protein bars to snack on. Or beef jerkey or something like that. I would also up the protein. I wouldn't worry too much about the coffee as long as you are getting all your water in. Here is a typical day for me.
Protein drink first thing in the morning.
Coffee when I get to work.
an hour after drinking that I have a lowfat 4oz cottage cheese with one of those little cups of manderin oranges. For lunch I have about (2) 2oz of smoked turkey wrapped in a piece of cheese. Afternoon snack is protein bar and then I usually have a protein drink before I go work out. For dinner I just have whatever I fix for the family. But no bread.
Hope this helps.
Hey Karen- I think it took a lot of courage for your to come out here and ask for help, recogniizing that you still have a problem. But you know what, the first and the hardest part is admiting to yourself that there is a problem. You're beyond that though. Not only are you admittting that you still have a problem, you have already lost 100 lbs AND you have this wonderful tool that you know how to work.
You've lost 100 lbs, can you believe that? Try focusing more on your ahceivements, you have done wonderul. Go back to the baiscs, protein first and drink lots of water. Get the reeses out of the house though (too tempting, I know!)
Good luck to you! I hope you start feeling better soon (((hugss))))
Hi Karen! I can relate to what you are going thru at this stage in the game and I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. One website that I like to use for menu ideas is, the also have where you can log on and get recipe ideas. Sparkpeople will plan you a daily menu, show you what your daily calorie range should be and help you track all that. Janie is so right in that admitting that you are going in the wrong direction is the first and biggest step. So you have gotten over the hardest just get back to basics and check in with us and let us know how things are going. Good luck with your upcoming surgery and I hope you recover fast and be able to work out in the water again.
Hi, Karen...sounds like you have a lot on your plate. That can throw even the most diligent post-op off their game and it sounds like you are feeling that way. You have already stated the problem and you know that without some action in the right direction, the problem will grow larger. But, we are here to support you and to give you honest advice and positive reinforcement.
First off, I would suggest getting the excess simple carbs out of you diet and your house (like the pb cups ;o) if they are a trigger food for you) if they have crept back in. That always seems to be a downfall for most of us. Next, keep the dense protein up! I tend to go through phases of avoiding it, but the dense protein really does keep me satiated and keeps the carb monster at bay. Finally, stay hydrated and keep up on the supplements...but it sounds like you are doing fine with the liquids, so you're already a step ahead. A lot of your success will probably come from eating more like you did in the early days since you aren't really able to exercise, but certainly don't cut the calories below 1,200. Try the South Beach cookbooks or website for meal ideas as they are very much in line with how we should eat. I use their cookbooks, website, and products on a very regular basis...I haven't been disappointed yet!
As a last bit of advice...keep in touch with our board and keep posting!! We need to stick together and support one another whenever possible.