Bone Scan
I went and had my bone scan today and it was sooo easy. It was fast and my results were given immediately. I am doing well for my age. So despite all my crappy blood test results- nothing has taken it's toll on my bones. What a relief!!!
Plus she checked my height twice and said I am 5' 6" and that I have not lost any inches. So no more losing for me- my BMI is 20.3 which is totally normal.
It's been a good day at the medical center for me- no needles and I was out in less than 1/2 hour!!!

It was simple- just lay on an X-ray table and it moves like an MRI- but you don't get enclosed in and you don't have to worry about the metal stuff. Each pic takes like 15 seconds and they took 2 sets of my hips and then spine I think. I didn't have to drink anything.
I'm feeling good really. I've backed off a little from the exercise to 3x per week. I think I feel better with 5- but my house just gets so messy and the shopping gets put off- it's hard to get more in. I definately eat more when I exercise more. It ups my appetite and keeps my muscle tone up so that's good.
I'm overdue for my latest blood test so I'll kepp you posted...
Thanks for asking...