Let the head games begin!
Difficult to check-in with the Monday morning weigh-in. I promised myself I was not going to becoame a slave to a scale when I started this journey and I haven't. I only weigh myself about once a month sometimes once in 6 weeks. I find this does several things 1) I don't panic over slight increases or decreases ) I can increase my weight just by drinking more liquid than normal and small decreases are not very meaningful for the same reson -- normal variations) 2) I am not wed to a scale, 3) keeps my overall progress the center of my journey.
I truly think it's wonderful that you have been able to keep weight alone from being your focus. Unfortunately (and fortunately) all of my health issues were resolved within days or weeks of surgery, so all I had to focus on was weight. Aside from eating wayyyyy too much pre-op, my diet was almost a carbon copy of what it is now (with the exception of protein shakes ;o)), so "changing" my eating habits was a snap. In addition, I was at goal and under by 9 months out, so weight again was front and center in terms of keeping it that way. Now, my head really gets in the way more often than I would like...but, I know deep down that a few pounds here or there really isn't the end of the world...just something that I need to keep an eye on and work on keeping in check. That will be the trick for all of us at one time or another....keeping the successes at a maximum and our individual food demons at bay for the long haul. I see many, though certainly not all, post-ops several years out that are struggling to keep their minds and bodies healthy and properly fed, and their weight stable and comfortable. It seems that we may never know until it hits us just how long and hard this journey can be...especially considering that it never ends.
Now, post some pictures so that we can see your progress!! You're doing a great job and we'd love for you to share more of your successful habits and tricks...so post when you can.
Hi Again Suz,
You are asking all the right questions. I no longer post on the Monday morning weigh ins because I have stopped losing weight. I have leveled out at 145-150. I feel very good about losing 120+ pounds but do worry about gaining. In my head if I ever go over 150, that will mean trouble to me. I think you are right, everyone has a top weight in their head that if they go over they will "freak". My biggest worry is that I will stretch my pouch out. I look at your numbers and some of the others and wonder if I should still be actively trying to lose more weight but I have come to the understanding that each of us is unique in our journey and that I am just as successful as everyone else. You are very wise and have helped many of us. I will try to get back out here more often. I agree we need to continue to support each other. I have found that because I am able to do more now, I am at the computer less.
Take Care,
HW- 268
SW- 255
CW- 147

Well, I for one absolutely commend you on getting out and living your life away from the monitor. I am, however, generally stuck at home with kids and/or online classes...so, no awesome outside life for me...yet! It's coming....in the meantime, I relish feeling great when I do get out into the "real world"
The top-out weight thing is integral to me staying within bounds. I thought that 150 was my limit...but I have to admit that I feel pretty darn good at 145 so that's the new "limit" for me. I am not trying to lose weight, either...just trying to keep things steady. But, every fluctuation up or down does mentally freak me out a little. Though, as I mover further out I am able to see how easy it is to stay within my window so long as I am honest with myself and am willing to follow the rules. Knowing that the weight will come off easily provided that I do what I am supposed to is what really keeps me from freaking out! And, don't worry about dropping another pound if you feel good where you are at! Just enjoy feeling great!

I have a 16 (on the 29th) year old son, and 12 year old daughter, and a 6 year old daughter. So, 11th grade, 7th grade, and 1st grade. It seems like they are never going to leave! jk!
Yes, I am working on my AS (one class currently in the summer, one final class in the fall) so that I can apply to nursing school for the spring semester. If I get picked up right away (it's a lottery system), I will be in nursing school for about two more years. So, if everything goes just right I may have the chance to earn a paycheck just about the time I am turning 40 :o(.