Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Hello everyone-
First of all thanks for all of the prayers and kind thoughts- I certainly felt them- please everyone keep up up your blood work- you never know what can sneak up on you!!!
I was down to 131 but with all the IV fluids a little gain is normal so am sitting at 134 and that is fine.
I need to post a pic of my Katie Holmes do- just got tired of a pony tail every day and the bald spots it was creating.
Anna- you're looking fab!!!
I went to the gym three times last week- although now I now why it was so hard to exercise for the past 3 months- with an iron level of 4!!!! So that's a goal I'm going to maintain.
This week's goal is to cut out the evening snacking- well- atleast to moderation- one snack- not 5.
See you smaller next week!!!
I gotta tell you- I feel better already- it was just such a slow slide- I don't think I noticed how bad it was.

Holly, I am so glad you are okay!!! How scary is that. Are they going to test you regularly for a while? Were you not taking your iron? I have a cousin who got anemia and that is why she got it she wasn't taking her supliments. I sure hope you don't have to have any more transfusions. I can only imagine specially with Triplets to take care of. Holy cow girl. Well now you know what the signs are and you can get it taken care of before it becomes a big problem. Love you girl. Take care of you!!! Okay!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!
I'd been taking all my vitamins same as normal. It was just a routine bloodtest. My iron came back at 4. I've been a little tired- but it happened so gradually I didn't notice. Looking back I notice now that I was freezing all the time and my daughter told me my lips were blue and that I was white. My Vitamin D came back low too- I have and RX for that now and will have a bone density scan because we all know the calcium and vit D go hand in hand. My last blood test was pretty normal. Funniest result- B12 came back a tiny bit high- so I guess my sublinguals are working!!!

Oh yes Holly, you can expect to gain a few lbs from IV fluids, so don't worry about that. Can't wait to see a pic with your new hair style.
Glad you are feeling better, were you feeling bad before the blood check, like tired?
I've also noticed that my appetite has increased too. sigh......
But I'm glad to still be at 123, and I think that's where I want to stay, under 125.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mom's.
Good Monday Morning My January Lovelies! It is a beautiful day here in Sac...we're expecting a lovely 79 degree day today...101 by Thursday
! Yikes! That's summer in the valley. In other news, we bought a new car on Thursday. We traded my Dodge Ram Mega Cab
for a Dodge Journey...but, I do love it even though I am a pickup-loving girl! Much better gas mileage, so I can actually drive it and not feel quite as guilty. I am number 5 on the waitlist for my last class (Psychology) before I can apply to the nursing program for Spring....I need this class so cross your fingers for me! Now, on with the numbers:
Surgery/high: 251.5
Last Monday: 143.8
Today: 142.8
Loss/gain: -1.0
Still holding within a pound or two of the same weight. My eating is okay...a lot of chocolate and wine is sneaking in there so I need to watch that. I have been pretty diligent with taking my supplements, so hopefully there won't be any surprises in July at my 18 month visit.
Have a beautiful Spring Monday, ladies...

Congrats on the new car Suz. I have no clue what a Journey looks like, I'll have to google it when I'm done here. Good luck getting in the class, 5 isn't that bad. When does the class start?
I've been eating a few (too many!) chocolates here and there. I wake up the next am and expect a gain, TG not yet!!
June 9 if I actually am enrolled in the class. It's online
for 8 weeks in the summer, so I don't even have to step foot on campus or buy a parking pass...gotta love that! I can even buy my book online from the college bookstore and have it shipped to me since it is a class at another college on the other side of Sac.