Monday Morning Weigh Ins
I have gained weight! I'm pmsing but I've gained six pounds. Last night i put on jeans and went to a mothers day dinner and my stomache was hurting as they were very snug.
I couldn't figure it out as they were my loose jeans (size 12) and my size 10 jeans I had worn the night before with no problems.
Then I get on the scale this morning and I weight 151!
My weight has been fluctuating between 145-148 for the past few months but this is scary!
I have been eating too much and have been eating junk food - (as much as one can eat with a small pouch) - but today is Monday and I am officially on a diet.
I guess I have been pushing it a bit in terms of how much I eat and what I eat.
I've heard you can gain weight back and psychologically I must be 'testing this.'
they may have changed my stomache but my head still wants to eat more, and bad foods!
On the bright side, I have started to increase my workout days (I've added another day) -
I'm really going to try to work on this....
Sorry for venting - but thanks for listening.
Have a great week!
Hey Beth..we are here you can vent or share you wow moments! We are in this together. And I can definitely relate to what you are going thru. I had a great eating day yesterday and then today...I came to work and I had cookies for lunch.....lots of cookies...not protein, no veggies, cookies was what I had. And unfortunately, my pouch does not seem to have any times it feels like a bottomless daughter took me to the movies for mother's day and we ended up getting popcorn...needless to say....she ate a little, and I ate the rest...and she was like...did you eat ALL Of that? And I am sitting looking at the empty container like..can you go get some more? She works at the movies and that free stuff perk is not so great for me as you can see. But as long as we recognize or problem areas and start working on them early on...we will be ok! Hang in there and don't look at this as a diet that you are doing..just look at as you are getting back to a healthier eating lifestyle and we have to take it day by day. You can do it! WE can do it!
Good morning Stephanie, I hear you on that. I made it through yesterday and I didn't do too bad but we had pizza for dinner at mom's house I mostly had just the topping with a bite here and there of the crust and a salad. But they had gone to NewOrleans and brought back pralines and I did have one of those and yikes I'm not even going to tell you what the carb or sugar content is on those babies. Anyway here are my stats for the week.
HW 270
SW 255
LW 140.4
CW 141.2
Up .8 lbs not too bad specialy since I am on my period and it only visits me every 3 months. I'll take it!! Oh and hey I did get to 139.4 on Friday however brief it was I haven't done it ever....

Good morning all! Here are my stats for this week.
HW 242
LW 115
CW 118
+3 lbs
Feeling great, and enjoying my last week off work before I head back next week. The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL, so I was able to go on a picnic, swim at the neighborhood pool, eat sno cones (shhhhh)
, and BBQ with my family on was amazing! I am eating better and have put on a few pounds. I just need to get over the mental impact a weight gain has on me. It's crazy how our minds play tricks on us.
Have a great week everyone, and I hope you Mothers all enjoyed your day yesterday.

I am so glad to hear you are doing so well so quickly! It is a blessing to read that you are feeling great!
Aren't you supposed to be gaining a bit? Wow--I hadn't thought about how a gain even when you need to would affect us mentally? I guess we can't expect to have our minds change as fast as our bodies have changed but it has to be incredibly aggravating to have food issues and weight issues when you are below goal. I still have so far to go that I have not even thought about that.
How are you going to deal with it?