Strange reaction to Watermelon

on 5/10/08 3:52 am - IN
Anyone have problems eating watermelon, or any other foods that give you the following reaction: After I eat it, I feel overly full and then my stomach actually hurts and aches for a good 15-20 minutes. And then, I can burb up a lot of gas/air. I love watermelon, but I think I am going to have to give it up?! Anyone have foods that do this to them? I don't know why it would be so rough on my stomach. Cereal with milk used to give me a similar reaction. Could it be the high water content so it is like eating and drinking at the same time?
on 5/10/08 6:45 am - Elk Grove, CA
OMG....I can't believe you just posted this! I just ate about 10 small strawberries about 10 minutes ago and had the same thing happen to me. I haven't ever had this happen before, though, so I'm hoping that it doesn't happen again. I feel like garbage right now...wish I could get it up, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure what causes it...maybe the excess water? Fruit sugars? I don't know...but I don't want to give up my berries! ~Suz
on 5/10/08 12:39 pm - IN
Wow, Suz. Sorry it hppened to you, but I am glad it is not just me. I really felt so bad that I was afraid I had ruptured something or had an ulcer or something horrible. I was in so much pain that I felt panicked, but then when it happened the second time, I realized the common factor was watermelon. Of all the JUNK I have been eating lately, and a fruit tears me up?!?! WTH! I hope for both our sakes, it is something that passes quickly.
on 5/10/08 12:50 pm - Elk Grove, CA
I know....deadly fruit? You've got to be kidding me! About a week ago I ate an apple and I actually dumped on it. Out of all the dark chocolate and other no-no's that I nibble on and I dump on an apple? It's just crazy sometimes.
on 5/10/08 8:28 pm - IN
Yes! I can eat a stinking cookie and a handful of Kisses and will be just fine, but then will randomly dump on a bowl of shredded wheat! What on earth?! And too much info I know, but I am finding the more fruit I eat, the more gas I am having! Since when did fruit produce gas?!
on 5/11/08 1:11 am - Elk Grove, CA
Must be all the extra fiber? Or, it could be the way that we process sugars now. I have been lucky there...still no gas to speak of ;o).
Anna Bryant
on 5/10/08 7:57 am - Roanoke, VA
Belle, I have had that reaction to some food so I just don't eat them for a while. I usually can eat them again after a while. I love watermelon. In the summer that is my fruit of choice. Anna
on 5/10/08 12:41 pm - IN
Anna- I love watermelon. I seem to go through these fruit obsessions. I was on oranges for about 5 months, now it is watermelon. I have been eating it for about 3 weeks, so I don't know why suddenly it seems to be causing problems. I might just have to lay off for a while and hope that, like you said, I can eat it again in a few weeks.
on 5/11/08 2:26 am - Zeeland, MI
I've been on a fruit kick for awhile and I notice that I get full off a few grapes, but when I eat I can eat much more than a few grapes and not get full. I love watermelon and would that would stink if it made me feel like that. Hope it's just temp. for you.
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