Wooohoooo a wow moment

Anna Bryant
on 4/28/08 10:04 pm - Roanoke, VA
LOL I thought I was pretty much done with those until plastics. Most everyone in my office knows I had gastric bypass and I have only had good responses from everyone. Well we do have some other federal agencies in our building and one of the guys from one of these other agencies stopped and asked me how I had lost all the weight. I explained to him all I had gone through and continue to go through. He asked me if I worked out and when I said I did he said he knew it by the way I carry myself, like my body is well put together. Then it got funny cause he backtracked with not that I watch you walking all the time....hehehe. He is a married very nice guy. He is a fitness and nutrition teacher for something. I get a kick out of this..... how about you ladies? I am so glad I made that decision to workout even before I had my RNY. Anna
on 4/29/08 1:56 pm
hello i am shirley i have been searching the internet without end to find info. about the rny surgery i want to take that one because i need to loose alot of weight and your name came up as one who have had the surgery i need to know what other things can you help me with like vitamins for right now b-4 the surgery i am very excited to finally get to this point but it can;t come fast enough i have some medical issues i need to get rid of and the weight loss will help that but i need to start exercising more so i won't have sagging skin on my body i don;t want to have more surgeries after this one is done to remove the skin i just want from the bottom of my heart to loose the weight i am praying for my mind and my heart and my soul to be right and to see myself a different person i have a daughter that's 6yrs old and i would love to take her to the zoo and walk around the whole time and not have to stop so much. is there anything you can tell me to help me prepare for this big life change.
Anna Bryant
on 4/30/08 12:26 am - Roanoke, VA
Shirley, I am so glad you have decided to contact me. I would love to talk to you. I am going to send you a pm with my phone number and you can call me anytime or pm me any time. You are definitely on the right track. When I started my journey I felt as you do. I wanted as little hanging skin as possible. I really could get by without plastics but I want it...lol. However because of my dedication to exercising my legs and arms and back are in great shape. Because I did carry most of my weight in my tummy area I do have skin issues there. I could live with those I just chose not to. When I went to my consult I asked my doc when should I start exercising and he said now....so I did and it has so paid off. So get started now even if you haven't had a consult. Just walk if that is all you can do. That is what I did. I slowly worked my way up to working out on the machines at the Y. I also have a 6 year old although he is a boy, my wish was the same. I wanted to be able to do things with him. I am now able to do that. We now do things as a family. I am no longer a shut in. I am out there enjoying life with my family!! You can too. Anna
on 4/30/08 3:21 am
WooHoo! I would take that as an extra special woo hoo since he is a fitness and nutrition guy! I know what you mean about the exercise and how I carry myself. My trainer has nagged me to stand up straight and pull my shoulders back while sucking in my gut. She tells me that is the best ab exercise there is--to just walk around and do life while holding in your stomach while breathing in and out but not letting the tightness go. It feels so good on my back too. I do walk differently now and carry myself differently. I feel stronger when I walk and I am sure that comes through for other people to see. It was strange having to watch my reflection while I exercise to get the form right and now I honestly enjoy watching myself workout. Oh boy does that sound vain. It is so great to be able to see myself do the exercises. I still can't wrap the me I am around the me in my head (fatty). So watching my reflection helps me get there. I fear that if I don't learn to embrace the new me physically then I might not hold onto my weight loss because I will be tempted to eat like the fat girl I once was at some point. I feel like I will be less likely to do that if I realize that I am not a fat girl anymore. I am rambling but I hope you know what I mean. Hugs, Katy
Anna Bryant
on 4/30/08 4:23 am - Roanoke, VA
Katy, I know exactly what you mean!! Sometimes I just cannot get over who I see in the mirror. Today I treated myself to a perm, waxed my eyebrows and lip and she shaped my eyebrows as well....I like it. Will have to take a pic for a new avatar when I can figure out how I want to wear my hair...lol. Anna
on 4/30/08 7:36 am
Good for you! You are definately worth it! Would you ever have treated yourself so well before now? Katy
Anna Bryant
on 4/30/08 12:17 pm - Roanoke, VA
Thank you! That's the funny thing..no I would have tried to perm it myself and just plucked myself. It was definitely worth the extra money. Anna
on 4/30/08 2:49 pm - Zeeland, MI
It 's great that you were able to treat yourself. You deserve it. Yes, post a pic for us to see!
Anna Bryant
on 4/30/08 8:20 pm - Roanoke, VA
Hey Janie, how are you doing? Feeling much better I hope!! Anna
on 5/1/08 10:51 am - Zeeland, MI
I'm feeling better, thanks. I'm still swollen and the scales not going down, but doing SO much better. UGH, I felt terrible there for awhile. Are you getting excited or what?
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