Bad Migraines
I have been having migraines pretty constantly well daily for about 2 months and have been to my reg doc, an ENT to rule out sinus and today Good news, I went to a neurologist and he said sometimes people that have migraines will get one long migraine that reg meds do not take care of. I have to admit I thought it was a bunch of hooy. He prescribed a regimine of prednisone, Indocin and mag-oxide. It take until about 1 for the migraine to subside and it has kind of been hanging in there but very manageble and I finally feel human again. I also had a follow up with the ENT that referred me to him and he saw a growth in my nose when I was in there for the headaches family doc thought they were sinus related. Any way he didn't think it was anything last time but this time he did a biopsy just to be on the safe side. I really like him. I have renewed faith in my neurologist as well. He is also sending me to get a MRI just to be on the safe side. While that costs a pretty penny I would rather be safe then sorry as well. I'll keep you all updated when I find out the result of the biopsy and the MRI. Tonight I feel better then I have in some time though. Yay!!! Now hopefully I'll be ready to work lots of hours so I have the time for my PS. I was having issues with what I was going to do with Logan. My hubby's mom and dad will be out of the country from the week before to the week after my surgery so no help there. His sister was going to watch him but she has to go to work to early to drop him off at parks and rec. I have decided to take my best friend up on her offer to go with me. That way hubby will stay with Logan and I will have piece of mind. Also I know he will take care of the animals. The dogs and bunny aren't much of a problem but I also have my sugar gliders that need to be fed at night. Their nocturnal.
Sorry about the headaches. I get them only once or twice a month, every since my second pregnancy. I tried so many different things and funny enough, the thing that worked to best was Excedrin Migrane. You might try it when you are ready to get off the good prescribed meds, and just try something over the counter. You just cannot take it at night because of the caffiene. It definitely makes me feel wired, but it kills the headache, which lasted for 2-3 days at a time.
Sounds like you have a good plan for your surgery! It will be here before you know it. Hopefully you will have a similar experience to mine, and be up and around pretty normily after 3-4 days. Keep us posted!
Does that have asprin in it Belle? I'm allergic to asprin.
If it doesn't I may give it a try. I woke up with another one this morning or rather it was back. Took all the meds and it finally went away. Feel pretty good right now just worried I'll wake up again with it back. We'll see. I was definitely better today than yesterday.
Oh yeah. Going to take my friend so hubby can stay with Logan and take care of the animals. It will be fine. Now I just have to wait....ugh the wait. Lol I want it now of course. Oh well it will be so worth the wait. I was just going through my clothes thinkig wow I'll be able to wear this with more confidence. Not to mention a couple of shirts that show the "monster". I can't wait for that to be gone. Tonight Logan said "I don't want the monster to go away." Lol kids.

I think the Excedrin is actually caffeine, aspirin and aceteminophene all mixed together, so that would probably be out. Sorry. Too bad, because it is good stuff!
My son liked to squish my tummy and didn't want me to get rid of it either! It was so funny, but he likes my "skinny" tummy now. I am sure your son will get over it!
BTW- I did something before my surgery and it has totally paid off. My dr's office is in a really ritzy neighborhood and there is a Goodwill down the road. I went there after an appointment one day and bought about 15 pairs of slacks in the size I thought would fit after my surgery. I also got some dresses, t's, and tank tops for summer that I thought I could wear after the LBL. Everything was really good brands and in great shape. I only bought "the color of the day" for the most part, so I only paid a buck or two for each piece of clothing. Anyway, I stowed them in the closet and most of them fit after my surgery. The things that didn't, I passed on to someone else at work. It turned out to be great, and I had some pants there I could wear without having to go shopping, because NONE of my pants fit afterward. Just a thought!
Oh Wow you said it Janie. I am soooooo excited. I never thought I would actually get to have it done well at least not for another 4 years anyway. I paid the deposit today and she sent my packet already. They have been so wonderful. It was so awesome of her to give me the date I wanted without even a deposit. I think she just knew I was going to make it Dr. Krieger does awesome work and I don't mind the extra travel for that.
I am so glad the doc has found something to give you relief. Have you noticed that since we have lost weight, it seems that we all take better care of ourselves? Good for us! I went through a period of time years ago that I battled with migraines occassionally. Mine turned out to be allergy related but it was almost like one would trigger several over a period of months. The hardcore regimen from the doctor was all that would help.
Take care and feel better.
Thank you Katy, today was much better then yesterday. Hopefully it will be better each day. I have noticed that we do take better care. I think that we notice when something is wrong these days. Before I would just say oh well it's just another one of my aches and pains. Now I go to the doctor and demand I also don't take the word of one doc either.