Monday Morning Weigh
You'll do it Steph! You seem to use a couple of slow weeks like a motivator and then you pull out a crazy 5-8 pound loss!
Good luck!!!
I am having some swelling, three weeks later, from my surgery, so I am not going to screw with my head by putting one toe on the scales right now! lol! Maybe next week, fingers crossed, it'll be gone and I can finally post a weight!

Thanks Belle,
The problem with that is that the big loss seems to go and then come back and find me....I am sure it has something to do with lemon creme cookies and hard candy laying around at work that kept falling in my mouth last I have been devouring here lately...but I am back on track and hope to stay there.
Thanks again
Good Monday Morning January Lovelies! Just enough time for a drive-by today...TONS of studying to do. So, here's the numbers:
Surgery/high: 251.5
Last Monday: 142.2
Today: 143
Gain/Loss: .8
Nothing exciting there! And don't worry too much'll get that scale moving the way you want. Maybe it's water gain?
Have a wonderful day, ladies

Hey Suz! Have fun with all that studying!! And I would tend to believe the water weight gain had it not been for the package of lemon creme cookies that disappered from my house and my daughter only ate 3 of them.... and that was just the beginning of my week!
This is a much better week for me
Thanks for the encouragement.

Girl, don't I know they are the devil!!
but I was so craving them last week and could not get enough of them! And I still want them but I refuse to buy least not until my birthday in Maybe I will have forgotten about them by then.
And I have used the 5 day pouch test twice before and Did really well with it...but it seems that my carb carvings come back even stronger after I complete the 5 days....My body is so weird like that...but let me know if you try and it what you think of it. Talk to you soon.

I am in the same boat. I have been the same weight for 2 months. Weighing between 180-185. So I read something about the 5 day pouch test. Yes it worked. Got me off carbs. I was n't loosing. Now on my 5th day- I am down 178. Yea it is moving. I also started going to a support grp which helped me to get focused again. I have problems with cookies and candy being around the house and work. Husband said to stop bringing those items home. We everyone in the house likes that stuff and are very skinny. So we will see what happens. I have had no carbs this week and have dropped 2 pounds. So I am an advocate of the 5 day pouch test. It was a chanllenge but worth it. STAY AWAY FROM CARBS. REMEMBER PROTEIN FIRST. PROTEIN.