Prayer Patrol, Sunday, March 23rd
Hi Everyone,
It looks like everyone is doing well. I haven't had any new news really to report, except for a few individual posts for help with backsliding and old habits. We have two surgeries this week...Bel and Janie.
Going forward, unless things pick up, I will just post this bi-monthly. Things are so hectic with my work right now, I hardly get online anymore unless it's at some ridiculous hour of the night.
Prayers Needed:
Bel (Bel Le)
Best wishes and success TT and Thigh lift and surgery March 27th.
Denise (Barbara Garcia) - Any Updates????????
Bulging disc in neck and lower back problems.
Janie (Janie M)
Prayers that her TT and BL surgery go well today...March 25th.
Karen (Karen Kern)
Backsliding needing prayers to help from grazing and letting old habits set in.
Katy (Katy B) Any Updates???????
Allergy testing and problems...
Lindy (Twinkie K)
Desires to get pregnant and strength to handle all of the pressures of a new position at the same time. I have been working late nights and weekends. I am trying to learn and get controls in place. I have been feeling miserable like I am getting sick.
Lori (Lori M) Any Updates??????
Cancer / Hernia / Hysterctomy and possible liver damage all going on at the same time along with too much weight loss.
Marta (Marta Greig) Any Updates????
Gallbladder problems / possible surgery.
Richard (Richard Orr)
Backsliding needing prayers to help from grazing and letting old habits set in.
Suzanne (Suzanne M)
MacKenzie is on the mend...she'll be back wrestling in no time! Her neck looks awful, though :-/.
Group Prayer:
Prayers that everyone still striving to reach goal has the strength, motivation and courage to continue to strive towards reaching goal and making healthy / wise choices and adherance to the rules of the pouch.
Here is an ample supply of fairy dust to get things rolling for those in a stall:
Group Prayer:
Prayers that everyone is getting in enough exercise, protein, water, and vitamins
Group Prayer:
Tolerance in dealing with the pain in the tailbone area.
"Together Everyone Achieves More" with our dedication as a group in praying for everyone, we can keep people motivated to do their best to stay on track with their individual weight loss goals and to know that no matter where anyone else is in their journey, everyone here is a success.
Hugs and Prayers,
Patrol Angel on Duty
Hiya, Lindy...just to let everyone know...MacKenzie is 100% healed and back to normal. Oh, my ;o)!
She has even started attending another wrestling club, a private one, now that middleschool wrestling is over for the year.
Good luck to Janie today...she's going to look amazing! And best wishes and thoughts are being sent out to all of the wonderful people on your list today...after all, who couldn't use more positive thinking our lives?
Have a wonderful Spring day!!

Hi Lindy -
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. I'm actually scheduled for surgery this friday. Hopefully all will go as planned, as I was scheduled for the 17th of march and had it cancelled due to a power outage in the hospital.
Sending thoughts and prayer to everyone else who is struggling w/ health issues and everyday struggles as well.
thanks -