Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Hi Everyone -
It's been awhile since I've check in as well.
I 'm still hanging out at 158 - 160 which is fine, since it's my goal weight. If I go lower that's ok too, just as long as I don't gain.
I was supposed to have my gall bladder surgery today, but got a phone call at 6:50 am saying that all same day surgeries have been cancelled due to a power outage at the Hospital.
Boy, did that mess up my whole head today. It is now scheduled for friday the 28th, so hopefully I can make it till then , without any more painfull attacks.
I also wanted to say thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, I just have not had a chance to get back to anyone, since I was in insanely busy with everything going on.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well, and hope everyone has another good week.
thanks -

Good Monday Morning (afternoon) My January Lovelies!
I've been busy as a beaver (are they really busy?) today staining some oak bookcases. yikes! I say, leave this to the professionals...this is for the birds! Anyway, feeling good and so glad that it's spring break, even for me!! Two of the three kids are off of school this week...the other is in year-round so no spring break for her :o(. The husband and I are heading to Monterey, CA for Wed.- Friday...he has a seminar for work and this is the first year that my school schedule has worked in my favor and I can actually attend. Now, on with the numbers...
Surgery/high: 251.5
Last Monday: 140.6
Today: 140.8
Loss/gain: +.2
Wowee! Big gain, huh? Oh well...
Have a wonderful almost-Spring week ladies!
Silly girl..I live in Ca. I was just making sure that nobody thought that I meant Monterey Mexico instead, although lately it's felt like it...71 is today's forcast temp.! Unfortunately it's not going to be that kind of vacation :o(.
Year-round works by having kids start the school year in July. Depending on the "track" they are on, A-D, they have a rotating month off. A goes first by having mid-July through mid-August off, then A comes back on track and B has mid-August to mid-September off...they just rotate through the year. So, they end up going to school for 4 months, with one full month off. Instead of semesters, they use trimesters. It works well if for vacations and such...but only if all of your kids are in year-round and they are all on the same track. We currently have one in high school (traditional year), one in 6th grade (year-round), and one off-loaded kindergartener offloaded (moved to another school due to overcrowding) who is supposed to be year-round, but the new school is on traditional schedule. They all start and end their days at completely different times of the day, as well. This year has been no fun so far :o(.
It used to all be traditional until about 15 years ago. For some unknown reason, massive amounts of people from the Bay Area decided that they wanted to move to our hick town and live like farmers...not really...but they did like the "small town atmosphere". So, of course they ruined it for everyone. There were too many young kids, and not enough elementary schools. This was before the big economic "boom", so no big money for new schools. They started cycling kids to make room for all of them....hence, year-round. But, there are far more high schools and middle schools, though. So, it's crazy here school wise. Next year, the two oldest will be in traditional and the youngest will go back into year-round. It's only for another 6 years :o(...unless and until we move out of this crappy state.
Good Evening on this rainy day (here in Missouri it has rained ALL day)
My husband and I were in Las Vegas for a work related expo on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. All that walking helped off-set all the eating!
SW: 247
LW: 157
CW: 156.6
.4 just enough to mention I guess.
BTW - on the "feeling huge" comments above I can relate. I still have not adjusted mentally and have to really study myself in pictures to believe it is true. It is truly an amazing journey.
I still have my heart set on a goal weight between 140 - 145.
Have a great week everyone!
I am late and I worked all weekend this past weekend and have been working long hours since I started this new job. I am behind on the prayer patrol report as well. It looks like the only additions are those that are struggling with the regain issues or returning habits.
I hope to be on track later this week.
Last week, I weighed in @ 114.4....Monday, I weighed in at 113..I am not sure what is going on, but I feel fine. So I am okay with the current weight. I have been trying to regain though.