Help..My Tummy Hurts
Thanks Holly! I did not sleep well at all. I went to sleep at 10:30 and was back up at 1:00 and dozed back off after 4 and was back up for work at 6:30....I thought it might have been constipation but the laxative I took did not work
So we will see today what my doc says. I have an appointment at 3 pm.

Hey Suz...feeling much better now...I decided not to go to the doctor unless I dont have any "action" by Monday. I was doing the 5day pouch test and on the bottom of the page, it talked about constipation and how I need to increase fiber...of course I did not read that until the last day. lol And then the fact that I started taking iron pills doesnt help. So I bought some magnesium citrate tonight and drank the bottom and hopefully I will feel like myself again in the morning.
My appetite is already better. I was able to eat today and did not feel yucky after I finished. Thanks for checking on me!