Caloric Intake
So for those of you who still track your food many calories are you getting in now? I can tell you for me it is way over 1200 on most days....and I feel so like I want to graze all day if I get in only 1200 a day. Just wanting to put some feelers out and see how everyone else is doing...Most days I am around 1400-1500 a day. Then when I fall into a bowl of candy....I am not even going to tell you what my intake was on Friday night...but it involved a whole bunch of fun size snickers and some candy corn tha ........

I am easily reaching 1400-1600 most's not unusual to go over that though. Some days, like recently, I am having trouble even reaching 1000 unless I want to eat 2 carb control ice cream bars in an evening....but I don't do that...very often at least
. So shoot me
...I'm trying to keep my weight up.

Cool....I am still trying to loose but I feel like I am starving starving starving between meals if I only get in 1200 a day. For the most part I still eat pretty good, eating mostly proteins and veggies for my carbs, I still shy away from breads, rice, pasta and potaoes unless its a special treat and then it has to be whole wheat and such. But boy am I craving some nice carby grits for breakfast. It hink I will have them one day soon because they have been on my mind a lot. Thanks for letting me know I am not too abnormal. lol
Mmm...grits! Yummy! Do you like them with cheese, butter, or sweet like my husband does with butter and brown sugar? I wouldn't worry about having a measured portion a couple of times a week...just make sure that you have some meat or egg with it, and it should all balance out fine. I have been craving waffles...but every time I take a bite, they disappoint. They just don't taste the same since surgery. Oh well...they aren't worth missing I guess.
I like them with cheese!! And I feel you on the waffle. I tried to eat one on my cruise and it was like It just did not taste as good as I remembered....which I guess is a good thing. I am going to have some grits soon....I actually told my mom I was craving some the other day so maybe she will cook me some this weekend.
Hey Steph - Yeah I know I go over 1200 most days, I'd say more like 1500 or 1600 calories, maybe more because I do like the occasional peice of chocolate!
Like you, I limit my carbs and skip the rice, pasta and breads. Sometimes when I make fajitas I'll have one of the wheat tortillas and then eat a lot of meat and veggies (well no more than a cup) I think you're good at 1500 calories. Remember how many calories we probably had before surgery? I know I was probably at 3000 or more. YIKES!!!
Oh, have anyone tried the pringle wheat sticks? I bought some for my daughter for lunches and they are real good. I got the pizza flavor and they have about 10 sticks per package and are just 90 calories and 11 grams of carbs. They are good when you're craving that crunch.

Girl...a few days I have gotten close to 3000 calories in a day!! I was so disappointed in my self..but It was like I went on a binge eating frenzy and I could not control me. I have actually had 3 days like that this month and one of them was on Valentines Day...and the other two were just random days where I just wanted to eat what ever was in site. I am in prayer about the binge eating and I am going to have to see a therapist or something because it scares me that I can still eat that way. Its like I don't have control of my eating and don't want to anyway..
I have not tried to pringles wheat sticks but I did get an email about them and they sounded interesting.
Stephanie - It's easy to get up to 3000 isn't it? Those calories add up, especially if we're snacking. I'll be in prayer with you. Did you gain or just maintained? I say as long as you maintained, you are doing good. Good luck and thanks for admitting this. I know some of us have been there or may experience this in the future. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))