Tailbone- LINDY!!!
Lindy - help- or anyone else who may have this problem...
what are you doing about your tailbone hurting?
I sit on a pillow at my computer at home...
but was at a board meeting and then another meeting in the public and it really starts to hurt... what do you do get up in the middle of the meeting and walk around?
Sometimes it even hurts in the bathtub- which used to be my read and relax time- not very often but...
I have NO butt anymore- maybe I should try and get those padded bike shorts- it would soften AND give me nice butt in pants!!!
Seriously- what are you doing?

My tailbone and pelvic bones in general are killing me, too! We just sat at a wrestling tournament for 12 hours today...not good for the butt! I haven't found any way to relieve the discomfort except to walk around periodically. We have stadium chairs, extra pads, and a fleece blanket that I sit on...but here I sit with a bruised butt. Well, really I have no butt...again...never really had one until I gained over 100 pounds...I guess those pounds were actually worth something
As for the bath...it kills me to sit there. I have started folding a small hand towel and putting it on the bottom of the tub to sit on. It really seems to help....I can now relax in peace
...at least for a few minutes until people start banging on the door.

Dang...I did not know this was a common issue for us...I went to the doctor all freakin about a few weeks ago and had a zillion xrays done and the radiologist said I am developing arthritis...ugh! oh well..the joys of aging and losing weight! Lol if I had this post three weeks ago..I would not have gone to the doctor and spent my 20% on those freakin xrays..but anyway....I can just be sitting at my desk and when I go to stand up...my tailbone is killing me!! I thought I was going nuts.
Hope you find a good solution so I can use it too! lol

Sorry, I haven't replied until now, I have been overly swamped with my close out of my old job and starting my new one.
I honestly have just been in pain and I haven't really found a good alternative solution to keep from being in pain. There is a lady on the Texas board that had this very problem and she had to have some kind of surgery to remove her tail bone. She said it was extremely painful. I sure hope it never gets to that, because I don't really want to have to go through that kind of surgery or pain, but I will tell you I am very concerned that it's only going to get worse. I have tried a heating pad and sometimes that helps or just taking advil. I also have tried those one of those seat cushions that has gel in it and that turns cold with your body heat, it seemed to really work.
Let me know if you figure anything out.