You know that you've all been waiting for this!
You know what...I really was waiting on your post!! I so enjoy your style of writing even in forums...I bet you did really well in English class when you had to write essays and reports!!
You always know just what to reply to someones post when they are feeling discouraged and even when they are excited about something. I find my self wanting to reply to posts by saying :ditto what Suz said: you always say exactly what I am thinking but post it so much better! (I hate writing) lol
But anyway..I have had an amazing year and did you think you would ever be at a point in your life where you were too thin???
And yes pictures do say alot and you look SIMPLY MAH VA LOUS!!!

Oh darlin' *do* know just what to say to make someone's day! You just did it again! And, I am a little embarrassed to say that *yes* I did get A's in English Comp and writing.
Go figure. I always feel like I have nothing interesting to say...and worse yet that it's not funny, either. But I have been told and written to several times this week alone telling me that very thing. Who knew? I just say what comes to mind and and mindful of what I say.
NO! I never imagined being too thin or at least thinking that I was. I always thought, in my fat days, that I would be thrilled to be too bony or thin. However, the reality is much different than I imagined. It has been so long since I was thin that I seemed to have forgotten what it's like to take a bath and be utterly uncomfortable because your pelvic bones are crunching on the bottom of the tub. I remember now!
Can't give up the bubble baths, I'll just gain a few pounds back instead.

Thanks, Lindy...I miss seeing your pretty face all the time! Yep, that little fairy seems to have been very generous with the best of her fairy dust stock! We have all done so well...I, too, am proud of all of us. And you know what? I didn't do a single thing to celebrate my first year except go to class that night and study anatomy. yippy.