You know that you've all been waiting for this!
My weight loss Twinkie! For so long we have been neck and neck, but you being just a bit taller had to stop the weight loss while mine has continued to fall. Thank you so much for thinking of, commenting, and just in general being there for me over the last year. So many of you on the Jan. board have touched my life and I thank you especially Suz for saying many of the things I have thought but not been able to express and for just being you. Happy Surgiversary dear...may 2008 be an even better year for you! Be proud to be who you are and stand tall lady!!!

Thanks so much, Lori. You're right...we have been side-by-side the entire way. It was sometimes a great motivator and reminder to keep moving...I couldn't let you pass me by
. I have loved every minute that I have spent here reading what the ladies here had to say, and writing what I needed to say, as well. If you or anyone else got something out of that...I am pleased and flattered. I know that the next 12 months will definitely be better than the last...there's no more weight to lose, no big changes to make, and no surgery to recover from. Most of us get to just keep doing what we have been and continue to remind each other how to stay on track.

Gosh, Anna...I think that it would be such a fabulous time if we could arrange a get-together. Like I told Janie...the WLS OH cruise next year would be such a great chance to do just that. It was pretty inexpensive as I recall...$200-300 per person plus airfare. It would be wonderful to actually meet my January Lovelies in the flesh! Just think of the "WLS war stories" we could trade in person!
Suz - congratulations on all your success! I agree that this board has been a great source of encouragement and you have been one of the best cheerleaders! I always enjoy reading your posts. You have a great sense of humor and wonderful common sense! Thanks for posting all your meal ideas and healthy suggestions!
I was looking at your pics the other day and couldn't help but notice that all the before pics had your head cut off - tee hee. Love the new pics and your beautiful smiling face!
The cruise sounds like a great idea! - I'm game!
Wow, more kinds words?? I girl could really get used to this!
. Yeah, isn't that funny about the pictures? I didn't even notice that until a few months ago. When I cropped them I guess it felt better to be a little anonymous. Now, I don't care if I'm seen.
I was thinking...maybe they'll have another cruise in the late summer instead of having to wait until next year at this time. It would be great for all of us to get away and have a little fun person that is!