You know that you've all been waiting for this!
Okay, my January Lovelies! Here is my obligatory one year surgiversary post.
Let me start by saying that the support that I have received from this site, and this forum especially, has made my journey all the more bearable. Without people on our side who understand what we go through on a daily basis, I think that we would be lost. You ladies have given me and others unconditional support...something that I have truly come to rely on. This entire process has been trying at times, but it was so worth any effort that has been put forth...I feel amazingly blessed to be where I am today, with regard to both physical and mental health. It had been so long since I could look at myself and not cringe at what and who I saw looking back at me...there is no equal in the world to feeling at peace (mostly) with yourself. So, I will cut this short by listing some stats...they help to remind me where I came from and how far I have come. Perhaps they might give a newbie some encouragement to keep pushing ahead when the going seems tough
Starting weight/high weight: 251.5
Weight today: 142.1
Before surgery size: 22/24 pants, 2x tops
After surgery size: 4 pants, M tops
Health issues before surgery: arthritis, incontinence, pre-diabetic, high blood pressure, depression, menstrual irregularities, fatty liver, and of course, no energy 'cuz of the fat! I'm sure that there were more, but it's been a year of feeling so good that I think I blocked them out of my memory
Health issues today: None
So, there you have it! I didn't take measurements prior to surgery, and now wish that I had. But, pictures say a thousand words...most of which were nasty, four letter words pre-op! Now, I can say that I am proud to see what I look like now...I'm no longer embarrassed. I can also say that I don't regret this surgery...not for one second have I wished that I hadn't gone through with it. You have all made this journey a fun and enjoyable time in my life, and for that, I thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart.

What a wild ride it has been! I am so glad that we in the group have found each other. Even the people who have been there and done that but are further ahead of us on the timeline don't remember exactly where we are in emotions and situations. It is so easy to forget the trials because the victories are so significant. But this group has been there all together and understands because we are in this together and because we have a great group here.
I know I appreciate you and your experiences. I remember when you got to goal and I thought, "wow, I get to see what that will be like while Suz goes through it."
We have to remember to be vocal and proactive for the rest of our lives so that we protect the precious gift we have been given. To do anything else would dishonor ourselves and all that we have done to get to this point!
Katy B.
I completely agree with the idea that we have to remember those that will come after us while protecting what we have already been given. We are setting an example for newbies whether we like it or not....not that I mind at all! It feels good to set a good example for once with regard to health! Well, now you all get to see how I can learn to find a weight to maintain while not driving myself crazy in the process over having to gain!!
Suz - I don't know how you do it with school and kids. I would be exhausted and probably eating fast food all of the time!!! I bet you are tired.
We should all plan to meet one day. That would be a blast!!!! Seriously, how fun would that be?
Same goes for you, if you are ever here in MI look me up! I'd love to be in Cali right now though. Woke up this morning to schools closed and tempatures below 0!!!