My hubby is coming home!!!!!
Happy New Years everyone!
I wanted to share that I just got the best New Years present I could ask for...the phone call telling me my hubby will be home Thursday evening!!! I'm so excited! Iraq will be in his rear view mirror.
Thanks to each and every one of you who have supported me while he was gone. I appreciate it from the depths of my soul. It would have been a much harder road without all of you.

OMG Stacy, that just gave me the chills and I almost started crying!!! I could not be happier for you. You are such a strong women handling everything @ the homefront while he's been gone. WOOHOOOO! I bet you are thrilled, he won't even recognize you Stacy!!!
How long was he in Iraq? Is he done for good?? (((((((((Hugs)))))) Gosh, I'm so excited for you!!