Workout epiphany
I had my first two workouts with a personal trainer this week and I am so excited about the possibilities that this has opened up for me. I really loved my workouts
I have learned a lot from the trainer. Did you guys know that yawning is a sign of dehydration? I also learned that the best time to burn fat with a cardio workout is first thing in the morning before you eat, after a weight workout, or after dinner.
As I sit here, I still can't believe I am doing this kind of a workout. As I posted on the challenge thread, I decided that I needed to change my workout because I wanted to be stronger and my workout was like what I should be doing in my 60's not in my 40's. I also wanted my husband to get involved with me on this. He has been complaining about needing to lose some weight--15 pounds but he has really lost a lot of muscle tone in the last few years too. So my husband and I had visited the two workout facilities in our town and were really disappointed in what they offered (or didn't offer) and when we asked about a trainer at one place, they pointed to a guy outside smoking a cigarette who looked like he needed a trainer.
We were not disheartened but decided to search in the next bigger town and see if we could find someone who would travel to us because we had your typical collection of workout equipment and my hubby has a wicked work schedule that shifts around. I found one who was certified, highly recommended with great references, and she traveled to you if needed. We met with her and found out that it was pricey but decided to purchase 10 workouts ahead of time and workout with her 2 times a week and then we would do cardio in between.
We were a little nervous. Our trainer is super fit and a former fitness model and currently competes in bodybuilding, but she is so attractive--not masculine muscley or anything. Yes, she has bigger arms than most men I know but she looks so healthy and strong--not ridiculous.
Anyway, the first workout was a challenge but she led us into it gradually. She actually had me doing squats that I didn't think I could do. I was sore the second day after but not bad and not like I had hurt anything. Not one of my joints hurt! My panni sides were sore, the center bottom of my butt cheeks, and my inner and outer thighs. Okay, I was excited over that because I figured that if they were sore, they were being worked and I wanted those areas affected big time!
After our second workout, I was psyched because I finished an hour and 20 minute workout and felt great! I have never felt so good working out before. I don't know what kind of endorphins get released on strength training/cardio but they are so much better than chocolate or carbs!!!!
I never thought I would be able to step up my workout or that I would enjoy it. Wow! What a change this year has made. I am looking back at the pics of last Christmas. Someone caught photos of me before I could hide. And I am amazed at what a difference a year can make. It makes me excited for what kind of changes can be wrought in the following year. Is there any reason that they can't be just as dramatic and exciting? I don't think so.
Merry Christmas!
Katy B

WOW Katy that is great. An hour and 20 minutes??????? Holy Cow!! How many days a week will you do that and is that normal, will you have workouts that are that long? Did your trainer tell you about how many calories you burn off during the workout? I wish I had a trainer, I have lots of questions that no one can answer. How cool too that your dh got involved. That's great, good for you!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!
I am going to do at least 30 minutes a day of cardio (what my doctor says is the absolute minimum to do if I want to get to goal and maintain) and then I am going to do the strength training addition at least 2 days a week.
The trainer has me wearing a watch that monitors my heart rate. I don't know about the calories, but I will ask at my next workout. I can't tell you how good it feels to be able to do that long of a workout and not even think you have been going but 30 minutes. I was literally checking my watch to make sure I was getting the time I paid for! LOL
To me this is just an example of how we are surprised by what we are capable of doing. I figure most people are just like me, so I am betting that we all have absolutely no clue of what we can do. I was so focused on what the trainer was telling me and what she was directing me to do that I didn't stop and think about whether I COULD do it. And after doing a fitness eval and medical eval on me, this trainer with 20 years of experience, set me to work and I just did what she said. Afterwards, I was blown away by the passage of time, what I did, and how good I felt.
A funny thing happened after we finished our first weight workout and she sent Dan and I off on a cardio walk--where we maintained our target heart rate--after we finished the walk we went to the store. Dan said he would be right back while we were shopping. I finished shopping and knew where I would find Mr.-I-need-to-lose-15-pounds,....that's right, in the bakery. He was picking up a cake. I walked up and said that I was going to tell the trainer. He put it down so fast that I struggled (unsuccessfully) not to laugh.
Anyway, I am looking at other areas and wondering how often I settle for what I think I can do and not open myself up to see what I am really able to do.
Let me know the questions you have and I will subtly ask the trainer. I am learning so much from her! And in just 3 workouts, my exercise shorts have gotten loose in my rear/upper thigh area and I find myself walking more confidently. It is really helping me overcome my mindset that I still battle with of being obese. I still moved and walked like an obese person--watching where my feet go. Now, I find that I have suddenly quit doing that. These little things are so amazing!
Katy B.
We work out with her 2x's and soon to be 3x's on some weeks and then she wants us to do 30 minutes of cardio 4x's a week--whi*****ludes a cardio walk after each workout. So we aren't doing it everyday. It is hard to work in that much exercise when we are committting so much time to the workouts with the trainer.
I am so impressed with the results of the workouts. She stresses repetition for me to burn fat and wants me to work to the point of fatigueing my muscles. That sounds intense but it is just working the repetition as long as I can until my muscles start to shake. I am so much more balanced, stronger, and just lovin' the way it feels. I don't feel weak or insecure. I walk with more confidence and I feel the stress of the day leave me when I work out.
I am totally hooked but would wimp out if the trainer wasn't there.