Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Well, I see I can't give in to the urges to eat certain things even when I am PMSing...this week I am up 2.8 pounds.
I didn't think I was over induldging but the proof is in the pudding!!
I worked out the same as usal, got in at least 4 days (6 one week and 4 last week) but I did eat sugar free candy lifesavers and bubble gum last week (more than normal I had it at my desk and munched on it like it was going to run away from me) out of site out of mind definitely works for me. I am finding that if I don't have things around me I dont want them, but if they are there and not tied down....I am going to go for it. I got in carbs but only from beans(made turkey chili one day and had pintos three days) and veggies. Heres to a big a loss this week!
HW 327
SW 322
LW 174.8
CW 177.6
Gain of 2.8 pounds

Steph, Don't beat yourself up this week...remember what an AWESOME week you had last's probably just your body leveling out between last week and this week. I'm quite sure you will be right back on track next week....thats how the trend usually goes. I was just thinking this morning how many of us have lost whole persons so far!! That is amazing and hard to believe to me. We are doing great...and we will continue to do great!
I am 0.4 lbs away from having lost 140 lbs!!...thats a whole person! It's still hard to believe how far I have come in this...what an amazing year it has been.
I'm so excited for my hubby to come home to his new wife....he will be home in about 3 weeks!!! A great belated Christmas present for us. We have also decided to try to have a baby this year....crazy, I know...I have an 18 year old and one that will be 10 in Feb.....and now considering another one...I guess theres nothing wrong with having a child every decade!! haha So I guess Lindy and I need some baby fairy dust for the coming year!
highest weight 304
day of surgery 291
last week 166.6
this week 164.4
lbs lost this week 2.2
total lbs lost 139.6
lbs left to goal-14.4(Goal is 150)
Thanks for the encouragment Stacy!! I need it!
I am not sure if I am eating often enough or not but I am getting in my days way too many calories. And you are so right.. This has been an amazing year and I don't have any complaints!! And you are brave to be having a baby!!
Babies are such blessings and I wish you guys the best...My daughter is 16 and I would not a clue what to do with a new born. lol Thanks agin for the encouragment and also for congrats on your loss last week!! Keep up the good work and the count down is own til your hubby is home!! I know you can't wait!

On the good side, I had an amazing week for me.. I drank mostly just protein shakes this week. I havent been hungry at all. The bad....All my boys have had the stomach bug this week, so between cleaning up vomit and diarrhea, I have had absolutely no desire to eat, so the liquids have worked for me. But it looks like we are finally coming out of it, thank goodness. My twins are 3, and they have never vomited before..They were terrified... "Mommy, something yucky came out of my mouth!"
HW 299
SW 288
LW 221
CW 215.5
-6.5 lbs
Protein Shakes for a week would make me
I havent done one of those since I was like 5 days out... lol
Congrats on the loss!!! That's awesome...
"Mommy, something yucky came out of my mouth!" OUT OF THE MOUTH'S OF BABES.. GOTTA LOVE IT... Write that one down in the baby book!!
Congrats again!!

Another disappointing week-still jumpoing back and forth with 204-205. I think I should just do protein shakes and salad to get these last 4-5 pounds off. I had a great birthday weekend though. This is the first birthday I didn't have a cake, no sense if all I was going to eat was a little piece.
HW 290
SW 384
LW 205
CW 204-205